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YVerma2007 (Registered Patent Agent)     06 July 2012

Change of surname in documents after mcd grant

I have got my papers of grant of divorce. Now I need to remove the surname from all my documents. do I need to apply only with copy of the "order" or the whole 3-5 page judgement. Do I need to change my surname to my fathers?

For pass port if i need to foreign country do i need to get my passport renewd before that?

what about my son.....can i continue him on his fathers surname, although in the mutual agreement   his conditions were that our son will not have any rights in his or his fathers property and he will never file a claim for our son



 1 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     06 July 2012

@ Author,

1. Post Divorce Name Change:- The process flow details are annexed in PDF annexure. Suggested to use services of Advocate (junior level will do). Suggested to get “Certified Copies of Divorce Decree sheet” as well as “Original Decree Sheet”. Follow the procedure mentioned in annexed File. Ask for spare copies of Gazette Notifications when they are published (usually once or twice each month they publish such changes) and keep them lifelong or till re-marriage (you never know when Gazette document you may need for some other document changes as then asked by a Public Authority).

2. For Passport name change :- The correct procedure are; (i) Divorce deed duly authenticated by Court and (ii) Deed Poll or Sworn Affidavit as per specimen in Annexure – D given in the Passport Information booklet attached to the application is the procedure.

3. Suggestion before Gazette notification:- It is suggested to give a Advertisement in an National newspaper stating "desired name" it is not necessary to re-attach Father's or family surname it can be without it too as "what is in name as Hon'ble SC said last year on surname change!". Keep atleast 5 copies of "full page" of the Newspaper and annex one copy with para 1 Gazette Notification.  

4. Right to property / custody – visitation related apprehension:- Child custody / visitation rights are always subject to changes in circumstances. At the moment in such fresh mutual consent cases let us not go back to law debates on these apprehensions.

Let peace be within.

Hope this reply covers all your questions and all the best. 

Attached File : 788451469 forms for change of name majors.pdf downloaded: 198 times

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