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gaurav (designation)     20 December 2012

Changes in divorce law

i had seen in news that if there will be divorce then wife will get share in husband's property which he got after question is that will it happen when both the parties are ready for divorce only or when either of the party is ready then too it will happen

 3 Replies

Goutam Prasad (Advocate)     20 December 2012

First of all, I have to inform you that such proposed law is not effective right now.

When, both parties agree for mutual consent divorce then divorce happens on terms and conditions as set out in mutual settlement and not as per the law. Hence, in such case everything depends on mutual bargain.

Said proposed law will be effective for contested divorce where one party seeks divorce and other oppose the same.

rajiv_lodha (zz)     20 December 2012

Many a slip between Cup and the Lip............this law is still far away from seeing the light of the day

1 Like

Msk-need -nuetral- laws (self)     20 December 2012

what you say is proposed marriage amendment bill 2010. It is not yet passed.

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