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Seetharamreddy Kancharla (Student)     08 May 2012

Chargesheet is going to quash

Hi i got three pending cases in jfcm and i had given a complaint on my magestrate regarding an accident  case, finally he was transfered my cases to other court there is no trial since 10 months, so how can i approach the honble highcourt to organize trails on me as soon as possible . All the cases are final stage , so this time i can quash the chagesheet in highcourt is possible or give a complaiant to vigillance registrar of highcourt which is eazy for me kindly adive me.

 1 Replies

Guest (Guest)     08 May 2012

Dear Querist,


It would be difficult to convince the High Court to quash a chargesheet when the case is at the final stage. You may though approach the High Court for an expeditious disposal of your case.

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