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bomneedhelp77 (owner)     09 May 2019

Charitable trust property in deceased father's name

My father was a trustee in a charitable organization. While he was living property(tenancy rights) was gifted to the trust but for convenience sake was put in the name of individual trustees. Now my father is deceased and the property needs to be put in the name of the trust/other trustees. The living trustees are asking for a probate of will. Is this the best possible way to resolve this issue ? Even though the property was in the name of my father we as heirs do not want to claim any part of it.My fathers will mentions no part of it. Can we give a statement saying we have not interest in the property and my father had no desire of bequeathing this to his heirs ? what is the best way to transfer property to the trust ?

 2 Replies

SIVARAMAPRASAD KAPPAGANTU (Retired Manager)     10 May 2019

Take the assistance of a Lawyer and go through the procedure of Probate.


It appears only tenancy rights are given. Ownership rights are with whom?

Shashi Dhara   10 May 2019

It is immovable doesn't needs probate .Ur r natural legal heirs.all lrs can relinquish right over property thru release deed to trust.

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