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NATARAJAN IYER (Proprietor)     03 December 2014

Charlie 22 Guru..On Flyover A2 in Maruthi..Sir, 138 Advocate

I am writing this article, to mainly address the concern of one Mrs.Pooja, about her advocate and his


unusual behaviour--------------- So, here are some tips to interact effectively with an advocate ---


Just a few tips as General Knowledge -------


The Title of this article reads  " Charlie 22 Guru...On Flyover ... A2 in Maruthi ---Sir, 138 Advocate "---------


This " Charlie 22 Guru...On Flyover ... A2 in Maruthi " is actually a message which flasshed over the


walkie-talkie while I was once near the CM's home-office, on my way to one of my advocate client's office.....


This language is used by the Police here in Bangalore ----


What he means is :


Charlie in the code language means Police Inspector....


Police Inspector for a Particular Police Station number 22 on the list of police stations ---------


we usually ask them over phone " Is the station charlie there or on rounds ? "


Guru refers to the Head --- C M ( Chief Minister ) of the State and that this police inspector has been




for CM's security that day and while on the fly-over near the CM's house, a particular walkie-talkie




that conveyed that an accused criminal is on the run and this police inspector has spotted him in a


maruthi car ----


so, the police personnel in-charge at the next spot, will take this news and intercept the vehicle or shoot 




burst the tyres of the car.-----------


If you visit the DGP's Office, there another language exists. They would ask you " Sir, where have you come sir ?

To go to QUARTER 2 OR QUARTER 4 ? "

Quarter 2 means the IGP

Quarter 4 means the his boss - ADGP - Admin

Big Boss means DGP




Next, see this.....


Sir, 138 Advocate ----


In Bangalore, when an advocate usually introduces himself / herself  in this language...


What it means is " Sir, I am an advocate mainly dealing with 138 cases  ---- Means, Section 138 of the IPC ---


Negotiable Instruments Act ----  CHEQUE BOUNCE related cases " -------------




So, every profession will have such code language -----------------


In the I.T. Industry, if the Vice-President or Senior Manager sends an e-mail to his junior, with just a


SINGLE QUESTION MARK, the code language means


" what happened to this issue ? Has it been resolved ? Is the client aware of the resolution ?


Is the client satisfied with the solution provided ?


Is it now safe for me to start a conversation with that client ? "




By avoiding your husband's advocate, the possible interpretations are------------

1) Either your husband's advocate is a known crook and your advocate does not want to take him on.------


2) Earlier in some other case, your advocate might have lost to your husband's advocate and he does not

want to take him on.--------


3) Your husband's advocate knows the art of manipulation using excellent language skills that he is able to

impress upon the court, that his client ( your husband ) is God himself and that you are seeking ILLEGAL

GAINS and thereby are a very dangerous woman with malafide intentions.------------------


4) The judge hearing the matter might have earlier in another case, censured your advocate.--------------


5) Your husband's advocate might be a very influential advocate with many tricks up his sleeve that at any

given stage in the case, he can give it any twist, including submitting a prayer to have the matter heard by

another judge, accusing the present judge of bias and writing to the Registrar General or even ensuring that

your matter is adjourned till the roster prepared by the Registrar General, assigns a particular judge, these

matters, and your husband's advocate being very comfortable arguing in that judge's court hall ------


Like these, I can go on and on  and on, deciphering many code language used in the Judiciary ----


Advocates can tell you more info on these code language in the judiciary, better than I do -------------




So, pick the hot object with a forceps and do not pick it with your bare hands -----




If you want to know how to get an efficient advocate to fight your case arguing well against your husband's


advocate, get your hands on the CAUSE LIST and CASE DETAILS.-------------


cause list of atleast three months ago, will list the opponent advocate of your husband's advocate.....


check the case listing on the cause list ( available on the internet )---- If you see the word ORDERS or


JUDGEMENT, note down that case title and number.....


Take that case number and check the result of the case on the internet itself ( google the advocate's name,


case title and number and you will get any related information )










Approach HIM ----- FIRST HE WILL LAUGH ---- THAT LAUGHTER in code language MEANS 


" oh ! this advocate !! ok ok... we will handle problem --- i will speak to my junior....he will guide


you....if required, i will come on that day...or else, my junior will handle ---- "










PAY HIM ONE THOUSAND RUPEES ( Hundred rupee notes -- since usually advocates like to see more


currency notes --- why ? it is like that only :) ....not all, but many advocates have that psychology ---


the concept of MORE --- it reminds them of ABUNDANT CASH and their BRAIN switch


moves to ON position ----


That is because he will be thinking of rent to be paid, children's fees, home expenditure,


Running cost ( Running cost means daily amount required to run the law firm and even pay the court fee


which he can claim only later from the client. ).....etc


Immediately, within few seconds, as he is seeing the cash, ask him the fees for the entire proceedings ---


use the words PROCEEDINGS till ORDER COPY and he will reply " That you do not worry, we will see, I will


tell you "


So you tell him " No, Sir,...I have to arrange for cash --- So, if you tell me an approximate amount, I can start


that effort....use the word EFFORT "


Then he will tell you one particular amount.....Immediately, calculate TEN PERCENT of that amount and less


that TEN PERCENT amount from the amount he has quoted and REQUEST him for a discount.....


He will say " That we will see later...."



Now, get up from the chair ---- Not Completely --- Just the Half Up position --- Advocate will get the signal that you are


leaving--- So his attention will be towards the PARTING STATEMENT....


Now, tell him " Sir, one Request "


he will STARE at you ... Do not worry.... That Stare is just a stare of ATTENTIVE POSITION....


Tell him " Sir, i will pay in instalments. kindly Oblige "


use the word OBLIGE....


Usually Advocates are accomodative....most of them are .... they know that court matters prolong,


so they are fine with instalment, you can get your file processed in this 


instalment method.....




Now is the IMPORTANT PART .... As you were

speaking to the advocate, his junior's ears will be

glued on to the AMOUNT quoted by the advocate ----


That day if the junior is absent, the typist will listen


and pass on the information to the junior the next




So, as you are moving out of the office,


give TWO HUNDRED RUPEES  to the Junior...


He will say " No, It is ok...Please "


You reply " No, No please, your efforts are there....Please "


He will accept it and the next day, even if senior forgets, he will remind the senior of your case


and the file will move ---


Pay the junior in such small increments every time. ..... 


Usually seniors do not pay much.....


so, This is one method of ensuring remuneration to the junior....


senior advocate knows that the junior is getting some amount from the client....


but he does not raise that topic....


it is understood practise ----



See, this is LIFE --- If you take life for granted, you have to go the extra mile to bring normalcy


back into your LIFE and then, all these experiences of court, case, police, NGO,...etc....

So, at least in the future, try to be careful with your choices and decisions in LIFE

Do not worry... Have Faith in God... Somewhere, Someone will help you financially ---


You trust in God and do your duty --- He will show the way ---


He will even show you the Right Advocate ----




Strength is Life.... Weakness is Death  --- Swami Vivekananda


 5 Replies


Appreciate efforts of Ld Brother Iyer.  


But inspite of all precautions, there is no gaurantee that your lawyer will work very promptly and honestly.

Though its the duty of your advocate/lawyer to work honestly, its more important that you follow up your case with the lawyer, and keep giving reminders to your lawyer, to keep him alerted always, so that you can extract the best out of your lawyer.

If you are not that alert about your case, then who else will be.  Your attitude like, I given money, its his duty to look after my case wont work with lawyer.

Remember this always, its your own case, not somebody else's.  So keep updating your advocate about yourself, your case related information, take information about your case status, discuss with your lawyer, get him or her involved more and more about your case.

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     07 December 2014

The version of Mr.Iyer seems to be his own experience that is why the narration flawless, well his observations on advocates may be right to some extent and he should bear it in mind that it is not the case with all the advocates.  Pooja's experience with her advocate may be a different story. 

Helping hand's cautionary note is appreciable.  An advocate will be handling 100 cases, but his client will be having only one case that is his, so the observation and suggestion made by helping hand is agreeable.

NATARAJAN IYER (Proprietor)     07 December 2014


Not my EXPERIENCE but MY LIVE OBSERVATION.... In my business journey, i would have met

seven thousand advocates and  the common pattern is what i have narrated .... 

yes, you are right...the experience of each would be different....

but, similar to telling that all cars have four tyres, one steering wheel etc basic features

common to all cars, i give instances that are commonly observed....

here and there variations might be there,  but the basic pattern is the same......

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     07 December 2014

You may be right in your view but have to remind you that you have not come across genuine people who are in abundant but may not visible to eyes of those who do not want to go beyond the circle(coterie).

2 Like

NATARAJAN IYER (Proprietor)     08 December 2014



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