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NeedHelp (I)     14 October 2013

Cheap way to transfer property in mumbai

what is the best way to transfer property to sister name?


 6 Replies

Advocate Rohit (Advocate)     15 October 2013

registered gift deed.

Udaya Shankar. C (Retired)     15 October 2013

Please transfer the property by way of Gift Deed. It is only 1%  stamp duty in the state of Maharashtra and in Karnataka. Where is in AP it is 7%.

Preparting gift deed please visit for draft deed. You need not pay any money to document writer.

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     15 October 2013

If it is your self acquired property, you can transfer either by a registered gift deed or by a registered settlement deed.  If the property was acquired or still held as a joint property in a partition deed, you may either relinquish your rights over your respective share in the property in favor of your sister or if you possess the same by a partition deed, it is advisable to transfer the same through a registered sale deed.

Avocate Kalaiselvan, Ph: +919443441062

Jairaj (Partner)     15 October 2013

gift between family members attracts different rate of stamp duty.

rekha bhanshali (house wife)     19 October 2013

my mother has made the registered the will   for both the daughter name and that is no one knows in my family member accept  both the sister's , In furture my brother can take any objection because my  mother wish to give this flat to both the daughter and his son his taking the objection   is there any other way like you said  registered gift deed  can we have to do this or will is sufficent document to prove in feature. can you  please adive which is best way to tranfer the flat in  our both the sister name. 

rekha bhanshali (house wife)     14 November 2013

i have not received any clerification of questation

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