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amol   06 April 2021

Check court file on the court hearing date

Respected Sir,

I am party in one case and my advocate is absent as he is admitted in hospital due to his surgery from last 4 court dates and he has not appointed or don't have any assistant or junior.

I want to see documents whichever submitted in my case by opposite party on the court date.

Is there any rule in Civil Manual or CPC that party cannot see court file on the date of court hearing?

Is any provision under which I can request honr. court to see the court file on my court date hearing?

 3 Replies

ashok kumar singh (Advocate)     07 April 2021

Yes, you can ask the court to inspect your case file on dste. U can also submit requisition to inspect your case record with the court department on or after date of ur case. According to cpc rules petitioner is able to inspect case record and to take certified copy of any pleading, petition, etc.


Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     07 April 2021

File an application for inspection of judicial file personally or through some other local lawyer.

amol   07 April 2021

Thank you very much sir.

Pease provide info under,   Which CPC rule that I can say to honr court and  I need to file application in honr. court.

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