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Vivek Shukla (CS)     25 July 2011

Checklist for Applicable Laws

Could anyone provide me the checklist for applicable laws on a manufacturing undertaking? Thanks in advance.

 4 Replies

H.M.Patnaik (Proprietor)     26 July 2011

Dear Mr. Vivek,

It will be better if you indicate the  type & scale of mfg. unit for which you require the Checklist of applicable laws.

Vivek Shukla (CS)     27 July 2011

We are manufacturing Electronic Components. We are having plants at Haryana and Delhi.

H.M.Patnaik (Proprietor)     28 July 2011

Dear Mr. Vivek,

Thanks for the feedback.

Since, I am not acquianted with local laws of Delhi & Haryana, I am giving a list of general rlegal compliances required for such industrial units.

01. Law regarding regn. of industrial units with District Industries center covering the industrial area in question.

02. Law reg. regn.of the establishment under local labour law.

03.Law regulating grant of electric connection to industrial consumers of relevant state.

04.Municipal/ corporation Act of relevant area reg. grant of Trade Licence etc.

05. Delhi Value added tax Act & Haryana Value added tax Act .

06.Central Sales Tax Act with relevant state rules.

07.Central Excise& customs Act & Rules

08. Income Tax Act & Rules..

09. Export & Import procedures.

10.Negotiable Instruments Act & Rules.

11. Industrial Policy Resolution of relevant U.T./ state.

Given above is a general list  of laws / complances required for industrial units. However, It is better if you get in touch with a experienced local lawyer/ consultants providing ervices in the said location for fullproof information and compliances.


Adv Mathew (Legal Advice)     12 January 2015

Hi Vivek,

Just came across your query, If you are still interested in knowing the query, call me 8551906269.


Naiju Mathew

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