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nagpapu (manager)     31 October 2012

Cheque bounce


Dear Sir,

One of my relatives facing a very big arransement relating to cheque bounce & 420 case

Small Introduction about matter:

In the year 2002-2003 Mr.A & Mrs.A (Husband & Wife) (Joint Bank Account Holders) 

Wife is uneducated 

took handloan of Rs.1,00,000/- from X party by giving these documents:

1) promisory Note

2)Demand Note

3)Signatures on Blank White Paper & Rs.100/- Stamp Paper 

4)Original Site Paper

5)Blank Cheuqe Leaf with signature.

later few years these couple retuned the amount by cash in installments to that X party with interest & failed to take above mentioned documents from him.

In between X party has a very well known person to bank  staff  & took 100 Cheques leaves book on behalf of this couple (its taken with out cheque request as well with out receiver signature cheque book is handedover, we took copy of that register its blank) & forged cheues worth Rs.2 lac & bounced it later fit them into cheque bounce case.


in between Mr.A (Husband) Died in 2012 due to heart attack. 

the case ran in civil as well high court till 2012 but not settled. 

Even though the childrens paid nearly 2 lacs extra to that Mr.X to get back the above documents but he refused & taking advantage of those things.

Now Mrs.A is Widow uneducated housewife getting harrassments from that Mr.X person & other blood sucker people for money.

by using those 100 cheques Mr.X is forged another cheque & issued one more chque bounce case of worth Rs.4.5 lacs in Mr.Y Name now.

I think its never ending story coz it cant be settled by payment of money to these kind of people till they took back those documents.

Whats the next legal step to be taken by that poor widow now 

pls help at the earliest.

if it continues what the maximum extent of punihsment that she can get.

What about those Documents

The Site & House is in husband & Wife name, how can they Sell or transfer the same to the others/Children

whether the Mr.X & Mr.Y have right to sell the site & house to take back money

that is the only one asset that poor widow having now.

if court orders impressionment then Mrs.A need not to pay the outstanding or what.

Pls Pls Pls Help & suggest how to comeout fromt his Danger Circle.




on behalf of poor uneducated Widow, cheated by Bloody money suckers


 4 Replies

SANTOSHSINGH. (ADVOCATE     31 October 2012

There are number of steps for defense through which you can win the case.

It seems that in earlier case you have not contested in lower court properly.

R Trivedi (     02 November 2012

First go and file FIR against Bank and that person who took 100 cheques without your notice or your authority.

MARU ADVOCATE (simple solutions for criminal legal problems --     02 November 2012

Filing the FIR  can not help after loosing the case.

R Trivedi (     02 November 2012

Please file the FIR as it is the question of 100 cheque leaves taken blank from the bank in collusion with bank staff. Also from your letter I could not figure out if you have lost any case regarding any of these cheques.

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