Please advise. My mother had given loan to my neighbour (my school friend) with whom i was working as supervisor at his construction site. He pleaded in front of my mother to lend money to support business in turbulant times. For which he gave 4 cheqs as security amount along with hand written of accepting money on plain sheet of paper. Some of the amount had been given to him by bank transfer.
But now he had been denying of the return of payment as he had defualted in business and the cheuqs had been dishonoured issued against my mother and fathers name and is claimng verbally that he had return all themoney. Also he had files a complaint in local PS that i had stolen the cheueqs whereas he had givn the cheques and issued to my parents.
Please advise as we have lost everythng as even my job and he is not letting me work anywhere as he is influencing.