Hi Experts.
1. A firm is prop. concern.
2. Prop. of firm had a authorised signatory ( his son ) to sign his firm cheques in emergency.
3. That son is only authorised to sign but never allowed to see the affairs of that firm.
4. A cheque signed by son to dischage the liabilty of firm, bounced. Complaimant made notice to firm as well as son being aithorised signatory. Process is on u/s 138 against only son but court never questened to prop. to get bail.
5. Court being summoned to son only and accepted bail of son only and case continued against son only u/s138, never u/s 141.
6. Complainant says that ' I have friendly relation with son and advanced him a friendly loan and son had issued me cheque of above said firm to dicharge the liabilty of son'
Now what is the position of son ?