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ATUL KUMAR VERMA (advocate)     14 August 2017

Child care leve

If CCL leav in BSA Teaching department not yet been approved by ABSA and file are pending by them for more then one month 

can teacher file their requirest to District Megisgrate in Agra 

Mobile no+9891391096


 16 Replies


Mr. Atul Kumar Verma,

Being an advocate, would you like to clarify whether you represent the cases of your clients in such a hazy form in the courts of law, as you have raised your question here?

Your question is quite vague on account of the following reasons:

At first, you should not have assumed that the abbreviations, like BSA & ABSA would have represented a single organisation.

Secondly you should not have assumed that the experts to assume or go for search of the terms to know whether the organization is a Government Department, Autonomous Body or a private company with reference to which your question pertains.

Thirdly, your question does not give even a slightest indication, whether your question relates to the decision of the organisation to adopt CCL as a matter of principle for all of its employees or your question relates to a single teacher, whose case is still pending.

Please do clarify these points if you really want some purposeful opinion of the experts to avoid any confusion on replies based on assumptions and hit & trial methods.


Originally posted by : PS Dhingra,
Mr. Atul Kumar Verma,

Being an advocate, would you like to clarify whether you represent the cases of your clients in such a hazy form in the courts of law, as you have raised your question here?

Your question is quite vague on account of the following reasons:

At first, you should not have assumed that the abbreviations, like BSA & ABSA would have represented a single organisation.

Secondly you should not have assumed that the experts to assume or go for search of the terms to know whether the organization is a Government Department, Autonomous Body or a private company with reference to which your question pertains.

Thirdly, your question does not give even a slightest indication, whether your question relates to the decision of the organisation to adopt CCL as a matter of principle for all of its employees or your question relates to a single teacher, whose case is still pending.

Please do clarify these points if you really want some purposeful opinion of the experts to avoid any confusion on replies based on assumptions and hit & trial methods.



Perfect observations by Mr. PS Dhingra!



Thanks Mr. Jigyasu for your appreciation.


ATUL KUMAR VERMA (advocate)     14 August 2017

Mr. Dhingra Ji 

Noted your concern, I am explaining as below 

I have to represent a case in UP Agra about CCL leave  which a file kept by Asst Basic Shiksha Adhikari from more then  a month times and not forwarded file for final Approval to Basic Shiksha Adhikari. This is a govt organisation in Agra

A teacher required CCL leave for their dauther's 12th standared exam preparaton.

Best Regards

Adv Atul Kumar 

Kumar Doab (FIN)     14 August 2017

What is the age of child?


Kumar Doab (FIN)     14 August 2017

You may attach/post the latest version of extent rules...............

Kumar Doab (FIN)     14 August 2017

As per old version ;


¢ ͬधकारȣ

आकिèमक अवकाश के वल Ûȣ ͬधकाǐरयɉ Ùवारा èवीकत ͩकया जा सकता है

िजÛɅशासनादेशɉ के Ùवारा समय-समय पर ͬधकत ͩकया गया है। ͩकसी भी Ĥकार का

संशय होनेपर अपने ĤशासǓनक ͪवभाग को Ûदभ[ भेजा जाना चाǑहये।


8-प्रसूति अवकाश (महिलाओं के लिए )- यह अवकाश केवल महिलाओं को प्रसूति हेतू 180 दिन यानी 6 माह तक 2 बच्चों तक देय है। तथा बच्चों के पालन पोषण हेतू 730 दिन तक पूरे वेतन पर दो बच्चों तक अलग से देय है। यह 730 दिन का अवकाश बच्चों के 18 वर्ष की उम्र होने तक due रहेगी। तथा एक कलेंडर वर्ष में 3 बार देय है। लेकिन एक बार में कम से कम 15 दिन का छुट्टी लेना होगा।'

Originally posted by : ATUL KUMAR VERMA
Mr. Dhingra Ji 

Noted your concern, I am explaining as below 

I have to represent a case in UP Agra about CCL leave  which a file kept by Asst Basic Shiksha Adhikari from more then  a month times and not forwarded file for final Approval to Basic Shiksha Adhikari. This is a govt organisation in Agra

A teacher required CCL leave for their dauther's 12th standared exam preparaton.

Best Regards

Adv Atul Kumar 


Dear Atul Kumatr Verma,

Rules of Child Care Leave for UP employees was amended with a few conditions after approval from the Council of Ministers which also decided that it should not be sought as a right.

As per the prescribed conditions, the leave cannot be availed without the prior sanction of the competent authority and that the leave availed would be treated as earned leave (EL). The person who wants to avail Child Care Leave can get it only if she does not have any outstanding E/L.

Of course, female teachers can apply for Child Care Leave for a maximum of 2 years. This leave may be taken for care of children below 18 years of age and for a maximum 2 children.

Teachers are often not granted leave for CCL as large numbers of teachers apply for this leave. District officials find it difficult to sanction this leave as they fear that large number of schools may shut down due to non-availability of teachers. This fear is quite real as there is acute  shortage of teachers in the state.

However, if you can effectively justify the need of the teachers, there is no harm if they file their request to District Megisgrate in Agra.

But probabbility seems to be negligible in the interest of public due to the shortage of teachers.

Rest depends upon the merits of the case.



ATUL KUMAR VERMA (advocate)     14 August 2017

Thanks Dhingra ji 


Best & detailed advice by Mr. Dhingra.


Originally posted by : ATUL KUMAR VERMA
Thanks Dhingra ji 


You are welcome.


Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     15 August 2017

No leave is a matter of right. File a case for delay in decision on leave and case will become redundant in a moment when leave is rejected

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     15 August 2017

I am not able to agree that if the leave is availed without prior sanction then this may be no leave an unauthorised absence warranting disciplinary action.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     15 August 2017

I am not able to agree that if the leave is availed without prior sanction then this may be no leave an unauthorised absence warranting disciplinary action.

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