Dear sir, We have filed a RCR petition along with an IA for child visitation at family court, Chennai. The court ordered counselling, the respondent has come for only 1 out of 6 counselling sessions. No interim order has been passed yet. The respondent is willfully delaying progress and has not filed any counter. The respondent is indulging in parent alienation and using it as a tool to get divorce.
For us welfare of the child is important. We believe in joint parenting. The respondent(wife) is neglecting the child’s(4 year old) welfare and selfishly focused on only respondent’s wish to get divorce.
Please let us know the following
1. How can we speed up the process to get child visitation rights
2. How can we prevent the respondent from taking child abroad and skipping hearing all together- will a restrainment order help
3. The child’s current location is not known, can we file a Habeas corpus petition
4. Should we file a separate petition under GWA for child visitation and custody
5. Can we file a Public interest petition on Joint parenting, will it help help us?
Thanking you
With regards