Can anyone please share the technique for searching CITATION with respect to a relevant matter?
If there any particular kind of methodology by which CITATIONS can be searched please provide.
Suraj (student) 08 December 2009
Can anyone please share the technique for searching CITATION with respect to a relevant matter?
If there any particular kind of methodology by which CITATIONS can be searched please provide.
kamalakar (self employed) 08 December 2009
1. Citations like (1982) 3 SCC 24, 1973 AIR 947 for court judgments are available now. You can also search them by typing them in the main box or going to the advanced search. Search tips have been updated to reflect it. This resolves a long standing problem of acceptability of court judgments downloaded from Indian Kanoon in the Indian courts. 2. You can also search court judgments by the author of the judgment or by the judges in a bench. See searh tips page for more details and use advanced search for using these options. 3. Formatting problem with Bombay high court judgments is resolved. The problem was mentioned here earlier 4. IK is moved to a new server and will have a standby fail over m/c from now onwards.
kamalakar (self employed) 08 December 2009
pl. visit this URL
hope this will be useful
Gundlapallis (Advocate) 09 December 2009
Every site will have its own search engines to retrive the info from its site. You must first study the search variables offered to you by that particular search engine and accordingly optimise your search. There is no universal method or technique for all sites.