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ashok kumar (Social Worker)     09 January 2015

Citations in legal proceedings


What is the correct procedure to file citations of Superior Court Judgments in Courts during trial /arguments both Civil & Criminal

 3 Replies

Juned A Harrased (Learner)     09 January 2015

I also want to know

Daksh (Student)     10 January 2015

Dear Mr.Ashok Kumar, Usually as per the procedure adopted by the court during civil litigation initially the court on the basis of pleadings formulates the issues based on which the parties argue their case and in support of their arguments Legal Research is being done after which the case law needs to be cited at the time of final argument and to be fair to the Bench and Bar a copy of the Citation cited during argument needs to be handed over to the opposite party and one to the Presiding Judge. Hope this clarifies Thanks and best regards Daksh

ashok kumar (Social Worker)     10 January 2015

"Copy of the Citation cited during argument needs to be handed over to the opposite party"

Do u mean that the case laws cited (i.e.) The Judgments cited in favour of one's case need to be handed over to the opposite party?
Normally Lawyers do not give the copy of the Judgments
Can u give some ruling/law which speaks about this requirement

And what about Criminal Cases?

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