Dear sir/madams, my question is if a CPIO and FAA don't provide reply of any RTI application, can i bring the matter directly to a lower court instead of approaching CIC or SIC?
NAYANMONI 08 October 2016
Dear sir/madams, my question is if a CPIO and FAA don't provide reply of any RTI application, can i bring the matter directly to a lower court instead of approaching CIC or SIC?
Rahul Kapoor (Legal Enthusiast) 09 October 2016
Dear Nayanmoni,
No you can approch the court.
Better file a second appeal in CIC/ SIC.
Even if CIC/ SIC do not list your appeal then you can approach the High Court, but only for the purpose of lisitng the Appeal.
If CIC/ SIC decides against you then also you can approch the High Court.