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Satish (farmer)     04 November 2013

Claiming patta land as govt land by revenue dept

DEar All,


I have bought about 10acres of Agri Patta(non GOVT) land in AP 3yrs ago. The land had clean history in revenue records and there had been Passbooks and Title deads issued by the MRO authorities. When i approached VRO to apply for the pattadar passbooks, he advised me that appx4acres land in Survey no - 31 has been marked as Ceiling land submitted in 70's by some XX guy. No the adangal entries has been changed from private land to GOVT in survey number - 31. The MRO said that i purchased ceiling land, so file a petition in the court against the sellers.


I have gathered myself all the history of that 4acres land in survey number-31 and found that the said land never belongs to XX guys. I also noticed that the XX guy has submitted only 24acres land in Survey number 31 and the revenue department actually claiming 28acres land.  I have all the records including NOC by MRO, all title deeds & passbooks, and adangals. I believe that the surveyer has just included my land 2yrs ago and submitted to the collectors office to acquire the ceiling land in that area. BTW the said 4acres land was registered also and the land has been still under my control. The collectors office only sending letters for capture the ceiling lands, but not as yet taken.


Could you please suggest me the best options to claim my land back from Revenue dept?

Where should i file a legal case? Should it be in High court or at District court?


Many thanks,




 2 Replies

BAALASUBRAMANNYAMM (Advocate)     04 November 2013

 You have to observe two things.(1) If MRO has given Pattadar Pass Book and Title Deed in the name of your seller, it seems that the land is not a Government land or land under Urban Land Ceiling. (2) If the land is Government Land or Under Land Ceiling Act, the MRO won't give Patta dar Pass Books and Title Deed. Even if the Government Officials are trying to acquire your lands, there should be a documents with them You are saying that you a pukka documents. If both are having pukka lands, where the question is arise. So it is better to consult a lawyer with your documents. The litigation is in stuff. 

Satish (farmer)     04 November 2013

Thank you Mr.Subramanyam.


I have approached one so called famous lawyer in Nellore and paid some advance, I found that he is not in the right direction at later stage. I am on my way to grasp some knowledge and find better advocate to deal this issue.

The pattadar passbooks and Title deeds were given to the two previous owners before. I have checked 10-1 and found that the listed name is not same as the person who has submitted land under ceiling act in 70's.

The MRO etc saying that there were one or two passbooks given by mistake and that those passbooks were revoked later, this is funny.

Should i file a case in District court or in High court?

Do i need to get an injection order first to stop GOVT acquisition plans if any?


Please advise.


Many thanks,


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