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Zain   29 June 2015

Common malpractice by schools. need legal opinion.

We have all heard of how schools have become marketplaces. Their sole purpose being  to skin us of our hard earned money.

Is it not enough that we are already paying the unreasonable fees that they charge ?

I happen to have come across a situation personally just today. My younger brother is in 11th grade. He got his CBSE 10th result recently and he didnt get high enough marks to get PCM. So the school has kept us hanging whether or not he will be given admission in PCM.

So, just to be on the safer side, we went to another school and secured his admission because they said that if we dont hurry, we might be put into a waiting list like others.

Today, we spoke to them that we might ask for a refund if we decide to stick with the present school. They have taken an amount of Rs36,000 already. They said if we get refund, they will deduct Rs12,000.

My question is, can they do this ?
For what are they deducting this amount? We have not availed of any servoce, they have not provided anything to us.

In my opinion, if anyone charges money then they should give something of equal value in return to the payer.

What is the legal position on this matter ?


 1 Replies

Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer)     02 January 2016

If you want the present school first you confirm your child's admission in the school because the child's education is more important than your money. You apply for refund to the other school after that. If they refund only Rs.24000/- you accept it if feasible under protest. Then you write to the school demanding the balance of the remaining 12000/- If they do not refund, go to consumer court. I am not sure whether you will win the case. I would imagine all transactions would have been in cash with no receipts. But still you can try in a consumer court.

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