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Atul Nand Kashyap   29 August 2017

Common wall dispute

Hi all, plot next to us was vacant and is being constructed now. When measurement was done for adjacent plot by an officer from authority, he said that ours is not a common wall. However, next day they measured again and found that the vacant plots area is less than what it should be so to make his position safe the authority guy changed his version and said that it's a common wall. This plot is in middle of our lane. For their satisfaction, we got our plot measured and we were well within our limit. If this wall is considered as common wall then our plot area falls short. Authority people don't have an answer to this. The guy who's doing construction in adjacent plot is getting rude, aggressive, arrogant and creating a scene. Now he is adament that it's a common wall and he'll use it. The wall in question is a 4.5 inch wall and we have 9 inch pillars in our home. If he makes 3 inch puncture in wall as well as our pillars, it'll damage the wall completely and weaken our pillars also in a big way. He'll make punctures at multiples places for lenter, electrical and water fittings. It'll actually compromise our entire structures strength but he's not ready to listen at all. He's offering money for using the wall but we've told him that we don't need your money and want you to make your own wall. Please advise course of action if he forcibly punctures our wall. Thank you for your time.

 2 Replies

P. Venu (Advocate)     30 August 2017

Who is this authority. You can get the land measured through the Taluk Surveyor.

Atul Nand Kashyap   02 September 2017

Unitech in Gurgaon.

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