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UJAS DHARAMSHI (Corporate Lawyer)     16 July 2008

Communication Skills

In most cases, communications skills are the only criterion that create a positive impact when people go to job interviews. Qualifications may be similar for all candidates; but what sets them apart is how effectively and clearly they can communicate.

But this is not an easy skill to develop: ‘communication’ includes a number of different components, and we often do not understand each of them. Here are some examples:

Communication skills include not just speaking and writing, but also patient listening and good reading skills. Voice, body language, appearance, and gestures – also known as ‘meta communication’ are also important, because the manner in which content is delivered has as much of a bearing on the audience as the content itself.

Written communication requires careful selections of words. Grammar should be accurate. Language should be clear and concise. The written piece should be easy to read and comprehend. One must be very careful about font selection and handwriting.

Good communication skills help boost self-confidence, and not only make you a good professional, but also promise to boost career growth prospects. As a lawyer, good communication and analytical skills are all you need for an excellent legal career!

 4 Replies

umapathi.s (Advocate)     16 July 2008

yes you are right in highlighting the importance of communicatin skills . however, this area is not given much importance during one's study which becomes obstacle from becoming a Good and Efficuent Advocate.Regards  

UJAS DHARAMSHI (Corporate Lawyer)     17 July 2008

Yes, I agree with you  the Indian system of law education is a little more theoritical and less practical for students where communication is neglected

Ganesh Narayan.S (CA Articles Assistant)     17 July 2008

Well said my dear friend.It will be very essential for law students to learn to use the english language very well. Each word they utter will rescue their client or might invite the worse.I strongly feel that  the Indian system of Education should give more impetus to communicative and other soft skills which is lacking at the present moment.


S Ganesh Narayan

bab67 (seo professional)     23 May 2011

hi communications skills is most importent factro for interviews so if you need skills just click on the link as given below then carefully read and get knoledge. i hope you all .thanks


communication skills

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