@ Shyam Chander
Always initiate a new thread.
The company may be big or small, employee should always give his best and justify every penny of salary being paid.
A violation by employer is a violation.
A violation with aim to evade taxes is an offence.
The IT/ITeS/BPO companies are covered under Shops and Commercial Establishments Act of the state.
To encourage this sector the government provided various incentives and exemptions, as per its IT policy.
U.T. of Chandigarh has kept its IT/ITeS/SEZ policy at its website.
As per IT/ITeS policy ( You may go thru SEZ on your own) it seems that exemption has been granted from routine inspection by Labor Inspector, Inspector under Shops and Commercial Establishments Act ( The Labor Inspector might also be functioning as the Inspector under this Act) and is allowed self certification of various forms/formats prescribed under various Acts applicable to IT/ITeS sector in U.T of Chandigrah.
However it should not mean that the Inspectors can not examine records and registers in office of company or call for records and registers in their office.
It is felt that blanket exemption from getting registered under Shops and Commercial Establishments Act has not been granted.
However Assistant Labour Commissioner ( that is Chief Inspector under this Act) and Labor commissioner can provide you precise answer on violations if any.
These officials Chief Inspector and Labor commissioner have to take suo mottu notice of violations therefore even a phone call should suffice.
In and around Chandigarh there are big numbers of Govt and Private colleges/universities offering IT courses and therefore the companies must be visiting campuses to recruit.
If you feel that there has been exploitation you may sensitize Students Unions, Trade Unions (which are many and very active) and they shall protect the interest of fresh pass outs and employees.
You can use web based, internet based communities to create, spread awareness and form communities and associations and unions.
It shall be good to affiliate with National Trade Unions and keep access to labor consultant/service lawyers.
It is felt that IT/ITeS policy of U.T. of Chandigarh does not grant exemption from provisions of Industrial Employment Standing Orders Act 1946.
The term Industry does not mean factory alone.
The Standing Order Act is applicable to all establishments to which the Payment of Wages Act, 1936 applies…………………. Section 2 (e) THE INDUSTRIAL EMPLOYMENT (STANDING ORDERS) ACT, 1946.
{The employees in IT/ITeS sector in Karnataka united and succeeded in ending the blanket exemption from provisions of Industrial Employment Standing Orders Act 1946.
This is the benefit of unity and unions.
The state of Kerala has notified all Commercial Establishments as Industrial Establishments under the payments of Wages Act.}
If standing orders are applicable but have not been certified Model Standing Orders shall apply.
You may go thru:
If the employees succeed in getting the standing orders made applicable it shall help to negotiate service conditions which are a great benefit to the employee.
The employees can unite to form ‘Works Committee’ (which is an authority::: read Industrial Employment Standing Orders Act ,Industrial Disputes Act), Grievance Redressal Mechanism………………
Under this Act the Assistant Labour Commissioner is Chief Inspector of Shops and Competent Authority……………………………………..This is very important Act, which regulate the working conditions of the workers in the Shops and Commercial Establishments.
Policy Incentives
D……………….The ITES sector would be exempted from the Chandigarh Pollution Control
Act except in relation to power generation sets.
Self certification under different labour laws and legislation shall be made applicable to the ITES companies, as per norms formulated by the Department of Labour.
6.2.2 Exemption from Inspections- I.T. services companies shall be exempted from inspections under the Factories Act and the Shops & Establishments Act.
Mohammed Shayin, IAS
Labour Commissioner
DC Office, Sector 17,
Tel. +91 172 2709000
dc-chd AT nic.in
The company should have registered with Registrar of Companies. To get payment from its principals the company should have obtained necessary TAN/PAN etc.
The company has to provide statutory social security benefits e.g. PF, Gratuity, ESIC……………..
and being employer has to ensure TDS being deductor.
In case of issues employee can approach:
The employee can approach:
>> Lawyer/Law firm: The legal notice/reply by lawyer can drill sense into the heads.
>> Trade Unions, employee’s group/union/IC/Guild…………………..
>> O/o Labor Commissioner: labor Inspector………..
>> Inspector under Shops and Commercial Establishments Act of the State………………………………………………..
>> Inspector under Payment of Wages Act ( Applicable to all employees drawing wages as per def. of wages in the Act up to Rs.18000/pm)
>> RPFC in o/o PF Commissioner
>> Inspector in Local/jurisdictional ESIC office………….
>> ITO-TDS where employee files ITR, jurisdictional CIT-TDS where company files its ITR………………
The employees in It/ITeS/BPO sector also formed unions and have done a good job too:
https://www.itpfindia.org/ https://www.itecentre.co.in/
Contact Us
Please contact us on mail id :
contact@itecentre.co.in. ph : 9620907912
Please Join ITEC group for discussion among IT-BPO employees.
To join the group, please send a blank mail to itec_bangalore-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
ITHI, a forum of women employees in IT and ITeS
IT/BPO Voice of India | Facebook
CBPOP (the present UNIDOC)
www.unitespro.org https://www.wbitsa.org/
The trade Unions are willing to embrace the employees in your sector and can guide from their rich experience. You must have gone thru challenges for organising bpo workers in india.doc
You should access their websites and speak to them too.
India United Trade Union Centre (INTUC)
Centre for Indian Trade Union (C I T U )
National Centre for Labour(NCL)
Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangha (BMS)
The employee’s form your sector has been initiating threads e.g;