my dad is ex army. he met with an accident. lost his both leg above knee. and his right hand fractured. age 56.
Harish Prabhu 09 December 2018
my dad is ex army. he met with an accident. lost his both leg above knee. and his right hand fractured. age 56.
Suri.Sravan Kumar (senior) 09 December 2018
How did the aaccident happen? If it is with a Motor vehicle. He has to lodge complaint with Police against the driver of the Motor vehicle. He has to approach Motor Accidents Claims Tribunal to claim compensation from the owner as well as insurer of the vehicle.
Harish Prabhu 09 December 2018
Kadak Launda Ashish 09 December 2018
Suri.Sravan Kumar (senior) 09 December 2018
the compensation depends upon the following
1. loss of income
2 pain and suffering
3.Disability expenses, extranourishment, future medical expenses like removal of implants etc.
5. Medical bills.
to claim compensation you must have the documents FIR, Chargesheet, Panchanama, DL, Insurance Policy etc.
Harish Prabhu 09 December 2018