As per Jharkhand Victim Compensation Act, an acid victim is entitled for Compensation of ₹3 Lac. However, Hon'ble SC and Delhi HC has sanctioned more than ₹10 lacs in 1-2 cases keeping in view that actual expenses incurred till date and future expenses to be incurred in such cases is much higher than the Compensation awarded by the State Governments. As per information collected by me, after getting Compensation of ₹3 lacs from the State Government, if a victim wants to get higher Compensation, he/she need to approach High Court. Also, if he/she is unable to bear Court Expenses and Court Proceedings, he/she may approach High Court through the help of JHALSA (in Jharkhand). Kindly suggest me regarding drafting of Application to be submitted to JHALSA requesting for demanding higher Compensation so that its impact is sound and it shows a clear demand of reasonable amount of Compensation, so that Court approves it easily on the basis of/with reference to earlier Judgement of Apex Court.
If it is Chargeable, then also i am ready to pay. Kindly help me in this regard az soon as possible.