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sankar P (supervisor)     13 November 2014

Complaint vs fir ?

Dear Sir,

For FIR registering we need complaint copy in written,

Kindly advice me sir,

 In Complaint copy whatever written based on that FIR Will be registered or not?

Otherwise FIR Should contains the additional ingredients which is not available in complaint copy. is it valid sir?

in my case, the time of occurence is not mentioned in the complaint copy , but in FIR copy it is mentioned, likewise other ingredients also . is it valid sir?

Many Thanks,




 6 Replies

Nadeem Qureshi (Advocate/     13 November 2014

yes, it is valid.


FIR is only the information and nothing else.

Laxmi Kant Joshi (Advocate )     13 November 2014

Yes it is absolutely valid .

sankar P (supervisor)     13 November 2014


It means the FIR can add the Additional ingredients which is not available in complaint copy?

Then also , is it acceptable as equal to Complaint copy?

kindly advice me sir,

SAANJAAY GUPTAA (Advocate)     13 November 2014

yes, it can add during investigation.

sankar P (supervisor)     13 November 2014


in three  main stages before trail,

1. Complaint copy.

2. FIR

3. Charge sheet.

sir , I need clarification in no. 1. complaint copy with no.2 FIR,

in my situation complaint copy not mentioned the Time of occurance, but in FIR it is mentioned

sir the complaint was recorded at 11.00 hrs & FIR registered at 17.00 hrs   .,

The only way to know the time of occurance is through the complaint copy, but in that it is not mentioned, but FIR says the Time of occurance .

Sir, My Query is- the Honorable court will accept this time or it reject sir,

MAny Thanks,



sankar P (supervisor)     15 November 2014

sir I need more suggestion regarding Time of Occurance not mentioned in complaint copy but time of occurance mentioned in FIR Copy . is it valid

MAny Thanks,


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