If a detenue under the National security Act 1980 completes 12 months of detention, does the right of the detenue on completion of 12 months accures the right to be released?
N.K.Assumi (Advocate) 11 February 2010
If a detenue under the National security Act 1980 completes 12 months of detention, does the right of the detenue on completion of 12 months accures the right to be released?
Suchitra. S (Advocate) 12 February 2010
S.13 speaks about maximum period of detention and there is no mention of right to be released is accrued after the period of detention. I suppose the right is accrued to be realeased after the period of detention mentioned for a person as the object of the Act is, preventive detention.
Anil Agrawal (Retired) 12 February 2010
What do the jail authorities do after the convict has served the sentence? Still keep him?