whether offence under sec.307 of IPC can be compounded especially when accused and injured are close relatives.
Vineet Ranadive (Partner) 29 September 2011
whether offence under sec.307 of IPC can be compounded especially when accused and injured are close relatives.
adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate) 29 September 2011
it is not compoundable offence. It can be compromised, by hostiling the wittnesses.
vijayan (lawyer) 29 September 2011
who ever may be the accused and whatever may be the relationship between accused and victim, offence under section 307 IPC can not be compounded. If the victim does not want to convict the accused, go against the FIR and 161 statements already recorded and turn hostile while examination. That is all.
Nadeem Qureshi (Advocate/ nadeemqureshi1@gmail.com) 30 September 2011
Dear Vineet
I am fully agree with MR. Rajeev
yes if victim does not want the practical solution to be hostile in trial court but there should be proper alibi since perjury can be initiated.
Arun Kumar Bhagat (Advocate (criminal)) 11 October 2011
Under section 482 Cr.P.C the case can be quashed on joint compromise petition.
G.Nagarajeshwar Rao (Advocate) 12 October 2011
Yes! the section 307 I.P.C. is not a compundable offence. I agree with the answers of the experts! no need of further clarifications. Courts will be lenient view in hostile cases. Some times Court will take sevior action by taking cognigance of "perjury"... therefore the case will be proceeded with catious manner.. though it is hostile case..
Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA) 14 October 2011
I dount it can be quashed. Thoughthe victim and complainant can turn hostile.
Shonee Kapoor