This question  is relating to the complutation/ distribution of assets acquired by married couple as well as maintenance payable.
" X  , husband and  Y wife  NRIs  have been living together  and both  are working earning salary in the ratio of X:Y  = 2:1. The house hold expenses are borne by X . The saving are invested in various assets like real estate , FD with   banks, MFunds , equities etc"  Couple has child girl of 15 years. In case of divorceÂ
1. the assets will be distributed in ratio of Income - expenses to be share by both spouses to arrive at investible funds or in the ratio of average earnings by each spouses?
2. If husband is retired and wife is woorking , is retired husband entitled to maintenance.?
3. If the couple has girl child who will take care of her education and marriage expenses  ?