how do we are supposed to do the footnotings of article of constitution of india in reserach papers?
Katyayni Dwevedi 26 June 2016
how do we are supposed to do the footnotings of article of constitution of india in reserach papers?
Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always) 26 June 2016
If it comes to it, depending on your seniority, level; I would be interested to review Or even co-author a meaningful, timely Reserch Paper that will make all the difference for India's welfare & if is planned for publishing in a worth while publication.
However, I do not get what this means: "How do we are supposed to do the footnotings of article of constitution of india"
Katyayni Dwevedi 27 June 2016
sir by this i mean how we are supposed to do the footnoting of the articles we mention in research papers. by articles i mean thr bare language too as being mentioned in the constitution.
Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always) 27 June 2016
The concept is still not clear.
Anyway, let me list the main parts of a 'Scholarly Publication':
From what I see, you mean to say this: "The Constituion has some footnotes. These footnotes pertain specific aspects. How is one supposed to include those specific parts in the List of References/Bibliography?".
However, you need clarify on what you mean.
Come off the language you have used. Frame the question in different words. The percept need be crystal clear, without any ambiguity to understand.