Dear Experts,
I filed a case against a builder in the State Consumer Forum in TN in 2016. Only recently the opponent filed a counter, commenting and finding fault with the Chartered Engineer Report and the Advocate Commissioner report, which subscribed to the CE report.
Being the case, Can I submit a counter with other documentary evidence, part of Government documents /Reply to RTIs’.
The counter also mentioned that the project had been handed over to Mr.XYZ, the then president of association (not mentioned as association) in 2016. But there were many AGMs and MOMs that still have the points related to partial take over in 2018 and not completing handing over fully, including a club house. Can I submit all these MOM.
Against handful of points substantiating unfair trade practices, (number of) deficiency in services and pending UDS (as per calculation, 1/3 of UDS still with the builder, even after apportioning major chunk of UDS for pending block) Thank you