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Rashmi bhatt (ADVOCATE)     01 November 2009

consumer law related to repair

what is the law related to repair tells,  like camera i.e there was problem in card system ,shopkeeper resolve that but after that display  was not  clearly shown ,v have purchased it  from somebody else ,it is not the responsebility of that shopkeeper who charged for repair.plz advise  with citation .


 8 Replies

RAVI SRIVASTAVA (ADVOCATE)     01 November 2009

रश्मी जी आप द्वारा खरीदे गए कैमरे की रसीद और उसके साथ मिले गारण्टी / वारण्टी कार्ड यदि सुरक्षित हैं तो उसे ध्यान से पढ़ें. अगर आपके कैमरे में प्राब्लम उस गारण्टी / वारण्टी समयावधि के भीतर उतपन्न हुई है तो आप उसके सर्विस सर्विस सेन्टर पर शिकायत करें अन्यथा सीधे कम्पनी को लिखें. बात फ़िर भी न बने तो सारे दस्तावेजों की स्कैन फ़ोटो कापी मुझे भजे.

-- रवि श्रीवास्तव, इलाहाबाद

adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate)     01 November 2009

Liability will be on the person who sold you the camera.  If the shopkeepr who has not done the repair properly then he will be liable for not rendering the service, but burden lies on you to prove it that repair is not properly done.

Rashmi bhatt (ADVOCATE)     01 November 2009

thank u sir for ur advice ,but  validity  period has already passed.The shopkeeper repair  but after that a new problem arise in display of the camera before that there was no problem in display ,problem was in memory card slot.

Suchitra. S (Advocate)     01 November 2009

Rashmi ji, I think the shop owner is responsible only for the repair work he has undertaken. i.e, repairing of memory card. If he has mentioned in the reciept given to you about the problem details, then you can argue that the other problem has arisen now. Else, he can take the contention that the other problem is not by his mistake.

K. Rajendra Prakash (Advocate)     07 November 2009

shop keeper is responsible so  far as the repair is concerned as the validity period is laready over.

furniture (Lawyer)     31 January 2010

furniture (Lawyer)     31 January 2010

furniture (Lawyer)     31 January 2010

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