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Harish K (Senior Assosiate)     12 January 2011

Continous verbal nad emotional abuse from Mother in law

Dear All,

I need a suggestion for my sister who is facing a form of domestic violence in her marriage life.

My Sister and Brother in law are constantly thretaned by her Mother in law.

she is verbally(using non parlimentry words) and emotionally(proviing lot of intrudence in the house also thretaning of  commiting sucide and turns the case on my sister and brother in law) abusing both my sister and my brother in law when he supports my sister.

To term its that she tries to dominate and wants both of them in her control to furuther stay in the home .

when ever my BIL turns against his mothers activities . it ends up in a big fight.

There is no intrudence nor  support from any other family members.

Can you please suggest me how to avoid these problem are over come legally through court.

Thanks in Advance


Harish K

 17 Replies

Amit Minocha (Lawyer)     12 January 2011

File a complaint under DV Act 

Sanket Sharma (AM)     12 January 2011

It is because of Love and affection over his son the MIL is doing that, try speak to her with relative and friends,  involve her also in day to day activities, or go for a baby, find a right solution, which should not hurt either of the party to it. police or court leads to further damage.  It was their in our parents or grand parents days also, we have to find solution being educated and knowing society

Harish K (Senior Assosiate)     12 January 2011

Dear Mr.Amit and Mr.Sharma

Thanks a lot  for your suggestions.

My sister is married for more than 5 years and she is having a kid of 4 years.

Also this is same state with other daughter in laws and sons  inthe family.But others are not statying together so the problems are less compared to my sister.

As Finacial state of my Brother in law is not strong he is not able to rent a house for his family by getting away  from their own house.

is there any way that I can contact any legal adivser or consultant in order to have a consultaion.Becasue MIL is not intrested in listening to any of the family memebers for any advice or consultation.

if I file a DV against her , is there any possiblites of improvement as the problem is not there with the husband but only with MIL?


Harish K

Sanket Sharma (AM)     12 January 2011

Police, court .... may leads to breaking of relation between your sister and BIL.  find better solution,  i understood your problem, you and your parents sit with her, understand what is their in her mind, every problem has several solution, tryout the solutions - dont spoil your sister life, which is most important


tackle the matter tactfully...Take her to a pscychologist and discuss about the suiside tendency.

if I were in your sis place I wud let her do that one day.Who threatens to commit suiside hardly they can do that!

Harish K (Senior Assosiate)     17 January 2011

Dear All,


Thanks for all your suggestions.


Let me try to have a discussion in front of some common relatives & people to understand problems of both sides.

Avnish Kaur (Consultant)     17 January 2011

get her complete medical checkup done as in this age she may have high blood ressure or psychitaric problem.

if any of these is detected treat her.

who owns the house?

mr. amit minocha what relief u will seek from court thru DV act with reference to facts of this case

Harish K (Senior Assosiate)     18 January 2011

Dear Mr.Avnish,

The house is my brother in law grand father property.

I too want to know  what are the facts on which it can be taken to court through DV act?



Harish K

Avnish Kaur (Consultant)     18 January 2011

under dv act he can claim a portion of house which he is already entitled to it being ancestral propery.

what about a medical treatment of this lady as suggested above.

Avnish Kaur (Consultant)     18 January 2011

daughter in law can get a protection order .

Harish K (Senior Assosiate)     19 January 2011

Thanks Mr.Avnish Kaur,


We are planning to have a talk to MIL this week with some people then if not working out we will try to get her to an hospital for consultation.If she is not supportive then we will haev to get a protection order as you suggested!



Harish K

Ambika (NA)     30 January 2011

@ Sanket Sharma

In fact in Haresh posting it is not the sister but the mother in law is threatening for suicide! How one's prejudices make one read otherwise! 

@ Haresh, as a first step take the couple to a good, experienced marriage councellor, your brother in law needs more councelling than your sister. A woman cannot be compelled to live with her in laws; and here your brother in laws knows that his mother is in the wrong, that's why he sometimes tries to support his wife. 

The one who needs a psychiatric treatment is MIL and BIL.

Talk to your BIL and see if he can live separately with his wife away from the daily interference from his mother. 

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Ambika (NA)     30 January 2011

Under DV act, he cannot claim anything Avnish, but she ( Haresh' sister) can claim a portion of the house and protection from interference from her mother in law.

Ambika (NA)     30 January 2011

@ Sanket Sharma

If there is love and affection for the son, a mother would show it to his life partner also. In the name of  love and affection, one cannot make someone else life a hell! What a dangerous concept of love and affection!!

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