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Sagnik (Management Trainee)     23 May 2013

Continuing gurantee

Dear all,

Our company had in the year 1994 availed a loan facility from Allahabad Bank.  Certain the then Directors of our company & some of their relatives had become personal guarantors of the said loan. Thereater, the said loan kept on renewing with new loan ammounts etc. However, from the year 2001 the names of the said directors stoped featuring as guarantors of the renewed loan agreements. Around the year 2010 our account was declared as NPA by the said Allahabad Bank & thereafter assigned to an ARC, who thereafter approached the DRT to bring upon a prosecution on the company along with the said directors.

All the said directors are as of now not connected to our company in any manner & are of a progressive age. However, none of them have recieved a letter of release from the Bank & neither has even  approached the Bank to release them from the said gurantanteee agrement.

In this context, can you kindly guide me as to how to dispute the ARC's effort to rope in the said guarantors who are not connected to the company anymore but who had in the year 1994 given thier continuing guarantee ? The said guaranatee agreement contains several provisions which are purely illegal in its nature. However, the guranatee is still a continuing guarantee.

Kindly guide me as how an issue of such a continuing guarantee is generally handled by the defendents.


Sagnik Sanyal

 12 Replies

Advocate Sastry (Advocate)     23 May 2013

As and when the loan was renewed the bank would have taken acknowledgement of debt from borrower and guarantors... Can  you check and confirm this ? I can further advise you on seeing the copy of Guarantee Bond.

Sagnik (Management Trainee)     23 May 2013

Sir , thank you for the response, kindly note that acknowledgement of the said debt is basically given by the company in their balence sheets,  also a loan renewal letter is granted by the company to the bank which was accepted by he bank. The said letter for the loan in question did not conatain the names of the said guarantors. Neither did the said gurantors acknowledge thier guarantee in any of the loan documnets. Till 2001 a  continuing guarantee agreement was entered by the said  guarantors with the Bank but thereafter no such continuing guarantee agreement was executed. In DRT the said ARC is trying to prove thier case against the gurantors vide the continuing gurantee agreement as executed in 2001. 

I repeat the present loan in question which has become NPA in the books of the Bank does not feature the said gurantors names. The present Gurantors are being dragged in vide the past continuing guranatee agreements as executed by them.


Advocate Sastry (Advocate)     23 May 2013

Dear Sagnik,

Thanks  for your information.

As an ex banker, I wish to clarify the  things as under:

1. When ever a Demand Loan is sanctioned the Banker  takes Demand Promissory Note and Continuing Security letter to such DP Note. If the Advance is to a Corporate they also take guarantee of the directors in their individual capacity.

2. When there is default by the company, the properties of the company both movable and immovable are attached. If these are not sufficient the guarantees of the Directors in their personal capacity will be invoked. The bank will try to attach the personal properties of the guarantor directors.

3. When the loans are renewed the Bank takes Acceptance of the company and at the same time Acknowledgement of Debt of the balances due as of the previous date by the company directors and Guarantors shall be obtained.

4. When the loan sanctioned is a Term Loan, there will not be any DP Note. The Term Loan agreement will be comprehensive document.

5. I do not know what type of facilities were sanctioned by your banker.

6. As advised by my friend Expert Mr. Ajay Sethi, you can contact local Advocate. You can also be guided by the observations of Expert P S Dhingra in this regard for similar query under Experts Column of this Forum

MANOJ HARIT (LAWYER)     23 May 2013

Dear Mr. Sagnik,


As per the imformation provided by you, the guaranters in question can not be fastened with any liability by the ARC. F= If u r from Maharashtra or Mumbai u may contact Adv. Manish Bohade in this regard. He is a competent DRT lawyer. 

MANOJ HARIT (LAWYER)     23 May 2013

The contact no of Adv. Manish Bohade is - 09371505560 & his mail -

RAJU O.F., (Advocate)     23 May 2013

Bank may invoke continuing guarantee for the present default of loan. During the later enhancement of loans if there are variations of the conditions, without the endorsement of such guarantors they may get absolved from the liability by contesting in DRT.


dear sir


please send the documetns


dr vesdula gopinath  advocate high court

m 09848227926


Sagnik (Management Trainee)     24 May 2013

Dear experts,

Thank you for your suggestions, I will take the same to the management.  However I have one query, if we find any variation in the said loan which was included without consent of the said directors then can we file a quashing petition in he High Court to quash the said cases initiated against the guarantors by the ARC ?


Sagnik Sanyal

Advocate Sastry (Advocate)     24 May 2013

Dear Sagnik,

Let your management decide in consulatation with your Advocate...

Sagnik (Management Trainee)     24 May 2013

I can understand sir, but I have to give the management enough reasoning to make an informed decision. The directors involved are of a considerably progressive age & hence I wanted to quash the cases against them before they were asked to present themsleves for cross questioning, which I am given to understand is a general practice in the New Delhi, DRTs. However, variation in the terms of loan is not a mater of fact & is to be proven in court, hence perhaps quashing will not suceed.

I wish to perhaps ask the management to proceed with a writ petition if we succeed in finding enough grounds of the said variation. Am I correct in my reasoning ?

Advocate Sastry (Advocate)     24 May 2013

Dear Sagnik,

From this forum we can give you guidance in legal matters... However, as per the information provided by you we cannot give specific comments without looking into the papers... As suggested you can send the papers to Advocate Dr. Vedula Goinadh,

MANOJ HARIT (LAWYER)     25 May 2013

Dear Sagnik,

The HC would not entertain a quashing petition. The only forum to agitate all u r issues is DRT.

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