If a client wanna win a court case--what is the best fee pattern which should be offered to the advocate by him ?
If the client will pay the whole settled amount in advance to the advocate ,the advocate may become careless and during the case period if the clinet wanna change advocate the excess payment gone may be a waste.
If the client will pay date wise,the advocate might be interested in getting more and more dates only ,the advocate might have no interest in getting the case concluded timely and he might also have no interest in winning that case.
If the client agrees to pay to the advoacte a certain amount in certain installments for the whole case,that settlement also does not help much in keeping the advocate motivated for winning a case.Because advocate might take the installments on certain point of time and there is nothing which could drive hi motivation for winning that case.
What is the best fee pattern offer to keep an advocate motivated till the goal of winning the court case is achieved?
Please suggest.