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Rakesh Kaushik (self employeed)     21 July 2010

seeking for a legal advice


One of my lawyer friend came across this trivial situation in a session court. The matter is regarding the NI Act. The Judicial Magistrate asked the complainant to put forward a written statement with an affidavit done on the same. In that statement the complainant did a mistake by typing a wrong date which was not at all intentional.

Is there any law which allows the complainant to rectify his mistake? Can this mistake be rectified under any circumstances?

 6 Replies

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     21 July 2010

yes e has the right to rectify /  alter his petition according to cpc, but i can not tell the section. please wait for any lawyer's answer. or you may go through cpc also.

1 Like

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     21 July 2010

please read - yes he, instead of yes e.


agreed with the views of my Ld. friend.

amit (professional)     21 July 2010

Dear Rakesh Kaushik,

This is the most common situation came across criminal complaint.But i am not agree with my other friends. As complaint is under NI ACT, which is guided by CrPC hence provisions of CPC are not applicable there.So there is no provisions either in CrPC or NI ACT to rectify any mistake.

As per your Query it is a bonafide mistake. you have submitted documents along with statements/complaint ,try to convince magistrate from those documents.

Rakesh Kaushik (self employeed)     23 July 2010

Thanks for all the replies friends. 

Adv.T.G.Ragesh (Associate)     09 August 2010

There is nothing wrong in correcting clerical mistakes..there is a ruling by kerala highcourt on this aspect.

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