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Govt pays 50000 to employee worth 5000 only

I wonder why our Govt. pays Rs. 50000/- to its employee who is not even worthy of Rs.5000/- to Rs. 10000/- only in the open makt.

Apart from being corrupt these employees are least capable of doing their jobs.

Send them for interviews in some big companies ,most of them would fail .

Why not fire them all and hire new people who are unemployed but capable ones and willing to work on Rs. 5000/- instead of Rs.50000/-.

Afterall its your money,my money,our money.

And deserving people would also get jobs this way.

And our works would also be done in a better way.

Plz. contribute.

 7 Replies

Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     09 August 2010

Yes it is true. Our govt. can do anything. The problem is the wrong are sitting in the right place which they do not deserve to be there. Rarely people opt for the govt. jobs for serving the nation; rather they join to be sharer in loot of public exchequer. Here our instinct, society, culture is to be blamed for.

See AIR INDIA, or any PSU there are so many posts which are non functional and some are posted as an agents in abroad and their salary runs in crores. But the fact is they cannot get a job of worth 10000/ in open market. See the port Trusts, Nuclear Fuel Research, DRDO, HAL,  NAL etc.. Just keep on naming. Everywhere condition is same

Most of the govt. dept. or any administrative dept.are facing lack of funds, but the employees are richest people.   Even Police dept. or PS ("Thana") do not used to have papers to write anything, they will tell u to bring the paper to write an FIR or any complaint. But see the earning of the police personnel.

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Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     09 August 2010

In almost every embassy, u will find surplus, non functional posts and staffs, drawing huge salaries, contributing in making us most corrupt countary.

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raj kumar ji (LAW STUDENT )     09 August 2010

ya u says right cosmic but u know that it is very difficult to get govt jobs now a days .

so govt paid high salery to their empoylee for attrect the job

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The great visioner of 21st Century of democratic India late Mr. Rajiv Gandhi said, when he was the Prime Minister with a record majority of congress MPs, that out of every 100 rupees sanctioned by the Government only 15 rupees reaching to ground and 85 rupees reaching in the pocket of public servants & agents.  Count it, how much money is gone in these 60 years?????  Who will ask?? And can the mishandled money be recovered??? it is whose money???  Every beggar who is begging in this country is only because that his money is looted by this way???????  How this injustice happens?????  Catch them and pull them with tighten their hand before the Court of law of our Democratic Nation and trial them under the sections of RASHTRADROH and through them behind the walls of Jail and recover all the money from them by auction of their property.

The Citizens of Maharashtra are given a burden of Rs. TWO LACS CRORES.   People have no proper electricity.  No water.  16000 Formers have committing suicide and people are struggling for bread. The list of injustice with people by the public servants is very big.  Every office of public service is full of corruption and ignorance of duty. 

It is now more than a 60 years passed away after 26 January 1950 when the Democratic Constitution was adopted with a system of “RULE OF PEOPLE-RULE BY PEOPLE-RULE FOR PEOPLE”… But the RULE not given in the hands of people and BUREAUCRATS (both in Executive and Judiciary) and POLITICIANS (who are using it like a professional business) taken the COMMAND in their hands.  The majority of people are illiterate and these diplomats (Bureaucrats & Politicians) ever try to keep them illiterate & poor so that they will be ever busy in struggle for life and never become aware of their RIGHT TO RULE.  Till now every action of these diplomats is being kept far away from the people so that the people do not know what they do???

Now, the Right To Information of people is protected by the ACT existed as “RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT 2005”.  But we have to exercise it properly since these diplomats will never let it be used effectively.

The people of Democratic India ever have the Right To Information as a part of their Democratic Rights.  But, the Bureaucrats have broken it under a false shelter of Official Secret Act 1923 which was actually gone died on 26 January 1950.  Therefore, now the RTI Act 2005 come into existence to penalize the public servants who deny access of information to any citizen within time frame and for its mean every citizen can have all the information within their individual capacity whatever the information a Legislative Assembly or Parliament can call.  BUT IT IS VERY UNFORTUNATE AS EVER THAT THE BUREAUCRACY WILL NEVER LET IT TO BE EFFECTIVE AND BUREAUCRATS ARE EVERYWHERE INCLUDING JUDICIARY.

While observing the working of secretariat offices of Maharashtra as to what the public servants do?  The following facts can be easily seen;

There are Electronic Card Punching Machine (Unit) are provided/affixed on walls in ground floor of the Building.  Public servants who punched their card don’t mean that they reached to their seats.  They reach after 15-30 minutes on their seats.  They only keep their Bags to show that they arrived.  Immediately they goes under pretext for Tea or to toilet and they waste about 30-45 minutes. They physically are being seated near about at 11 o'clock. 

 The Lunch time is from 01.00 to 01:30.  But they get up and go out at 12:30 and come back near 02:30.

 At 3:30 they go for Tea and waste about 30-60 minutes.

 Working time is up to 05:30 PM but they stop working at 05:00 and start packing bags.


How many hours they do actual work?


For one every time tea wasted about 30-45 minutes and the people's burden about Rs.150-250 behind each one public servant and every time they waste 30-45 minute under the pretext to go toilet and for their every time toilet the people's burden about Rs.150-250 behind each one public servant.  So why should not there be 15-15 minutes interval bfore and after lunch and that should be excluded to the working time?

Other side, the Citizens who comes for chasing their matters whichever is pending at Secretariat, they are being kept in "Q" under sun rays where even no seating arrangements done.  Poor People from long distance rural areas of Vidarbha are being badly suffered.  The Citizens are only allowed to enter after 02:00 o'clock.  It is the time to open entry at check post at main gate.  When people reaches inside they found that the public servants are gone for Tea or toilet.  When public servants return at their seats there is an only one hour remains for working of office.


Another way of misuse of office premises is also going on ever since none is observing these mischievous public servants;

It is very clear that the public servants are not allowed to enter into Government premises beyond stipulated working time in normal course.  In this regard, Government have already issued instruction vide Circular No.OFT-1055 dated 13th August 1955.  It has been instructed by this circular that the ladies should not be allowed to attend the office before and after working time of office.  The Circular No. OFT-1072-23316-B dated17th July 1973. By this circular the instructions issued under Circular No.OFT-1965-B dt. 30th October, 1965 have been reviewed and it is instructed that;


(i)                “Woman clerical staff without any exception should not be detained in office after the prescribed office hours or the permissible hour of late sitting and that calling upon woman employees by male officers at late hours in the night should be totally prohibited.  Government has already issued instructions in this behalf in Government Circulars, General Administration Department No. OFT-1055 dated the 13th August, 1955 and No. OFT-1065-B, dated the 30th October, 1965.  Government desires that the instructions regarding late hour working by woman employees in Government offices issued therein should be scrupulously observed by all concerned.”


(ii)             Government has also decided that in view of the fact that Saturdays (except second and fourth Saturdays in each month) are now working days, woman employees staying at distant places from their place of work should not be given late-turns on any day.  All Departments of the Secretariat and the Heads of Department and Offices under them are requested to see that the above instructions are observed.


(Instruction laid down here with that in case of any violence of these instructions Heads of the Departments will be held responsible.  But it is seen that HODs themselves pass illegal orders by misusing the status of their post.  Hence it is needed that public/citizens should initiate legal action to penalize the defaulter public servants who misuses the Government office premises.  The requisite information is needed so far.]


While going through the said circulars it is very easy to understand that the Mantralaya offices are misused by public servants for exploitation of woman employees or for mutual unwanted s*xual activities like a safe & free place under pretext of “TAATDICHE KAMASATHI” (Emergency/Urgent Work).  It is proved by viewing the trend of late arrivals as to whether they are work oriented or they use office for time pass and earning without work? Please have a view on the records of Attendance Management System. How many hours they remains present on holidays and taking granted compensatory off on a full working day and full emoluments in lieu of NO WORK?  It’s all consequences due to late arrival and ignorant attitude toward public work and work remains ever pending. During working time public servants passes time by playing cards on official computers and they remains in late evening and detains to their female subordinates under pretext of “TAATDICHE KAMASATHI” (Emergency/Urgent Work) as such on holidays too.  Hence it is very necessary to restrict their presence in office premise beyond stipulated working time.]

(It is just in brief)

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Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     11 August 2010

This is the story of almost all the states. When it is said that only 15p or 5p reaches to the poor out of 100p, then can it be said that these Schemes are meant for poor?

Is it not like this that these schemes being launched for Govt. officials or politicians or for contractors in the name of poor?

 Is it not amount to defamation of poor section of this country, who are being used to loot the public fund?

Shameless fellow. Blood of jackal may flowing in their veins & nerves.

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Satya Narayana Palukuru (Advocates & Mediators.)     14 August 2010

Yes i agree with the opinions herein and afraid the productivity in government

employement is coming down and it is very less when compare to private sector .

Education, public health is most effected and no alternative is found in sanitation and becuase of this

society silently suffer. In some department even we have a reason to believe that nothing moves unless you bribe.This all dependens on leaders and corruption is the main source of extra unaccounted  income for our leaders and for some employees  and benefits of governmental social befetits are taken away by these

section and how that this indepence day bring some change in these section.

Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     16 August 2010

Forget about other sectors, just ponder what happened to our "Arjun" and "Vijayant" which is supposed to be our MBT. but why these didn't got inducted ever by our army. We puchased T90 tanks, then why we wasted public money and what was the reason behind the failure. So many projects of DRDO and NFL has failed, why? since most of the staffs in these organisations are adjusted by back door and are kith and kin of ex-employees. and other influential persons.

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