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Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     28 September 2010

Nah Admin I want a Ipod this month

Subj.: Open letter to Admin

Dear Admin,

I joined this legal platform recently and somehow I contributing something here for which various members have either clicked Thumb Up and or clicked Thumbs Down icon just below my screen name.

Now, against the above backdrop I wish to bring to your notice that upon checking the Most Thanked Members This Month internal webage I see I am not at all placed between Ashutosh Jaiswal and Prabhakar as my Thanks Rate card is 50 and here I place evidence of screenshot of Most Thanked Members this Month.

Most Thanked Members This Month

Member Name

Thanked (Times)

Adv Archana
[ Scorecard : 3155]


Renuka Gupta
[ Scorecard : 748]


Ashutosh Jayaswal
[ Scorecard : 3807]


[ Scorecard : 4901]


[ Scorecard : 3558]


Now having made my submissions in short I wish to know if I would ever see before end of this month under Thanked (Times) my name as I feel I am one of the strong contender for Ipod I mean why not Sir !

I hope a favourable reply may be given by you before end of this month and if in your opinion you have plans to delete my account then atleast put my name between the above named members as before deletion wish who knows how much relief this member may be getting by the gracious placement.

With regards,


 7 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     28 September 2010


A small correction in above request letter.


By the time I composed and wrote the above letter of request for Ipod I see that Thanks received by me has unknowingly shot up and as valid proof I place the screenshot and I am closing my addendum correction letter least other thanked member object to such demands.

Here is the actual screenshot which you being Admin may well verify accordingly.

[edit photo]


Since :
12 September 2010

Total Points: 312
Thanked: 52 times
Profile Visits: 274


1 Like


its so simple sir

post emotive issues instead of legal ones , then u will get lots of thanks

for example last month one ashutosh jaiswal posted several social emotional topics on this esteemed site

he got so many thanks that admin was forced to award him an i-pod. there was no legal reply / topic by him.

i m sure no person with legal knowledge can get an i-pod because they give to the point answers not

emotive answers. another possibility is of a terrorist trainer getting i-pod this month in the name of so called

holy war.

i want i-pod with video option /mp4 not schuffle one given to ashutosh. how many thanks i need to collect ? for that

1 Like

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     28 September 2010


After posting my above two mails I see my Thanks risen to below evidentry screenshot. Now I changed my mind and like to be placed between Adv. Archana and Renuka Gupta. I am getting ideas now so before I change my ideas consider the right placement now !


Since : 12 September 2010

                                                                                 Total Points: 331
                                                                               Thanked: 67 times
                                                                                Profile Visits: 281
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Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     28 September 2010

To the first replier

What ! You should have told me before, that, it is so simple to get an Ipod here, arey baba simple buffoonery koi nahi batata hai yaha kyu ?.

Ok, now you tell me where to put "emotive issues" I have loads of them, I mean, madam I am simply asking should I download them in Family Law forum or as you ladies may please just tell me, I will obey like I have been told by Hon'ble SC what to obey......

1 Like

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     28 September 2010



Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     28 September 2010


I hope I am not irritating you with my repeated requests. The irony is that even after getting 50 Thanks (see the first screen shot in above first post) I was not placed in between Asutosh Jaiswal and Prabhakar hence this third request mail.

Sir, after posting my above three mails I see my Thanks risen to 123 which Arup shows surprise of and below is its evidence screenshot. Now I changed my mind and like to be placed above Adv. Archana. Hopefully all my ideas may be satisfied if I am for once shown in Most Thanked members!



Since :
12 September 2010

Total Points: 377
Thanked: 123 times

Sir, honestly I feel that I should be placed atleast once in the who is who list which is not fair on Admin part not to put a person who has 50 Thank you’s.

Furher Sir I see Arup with 36 Thanks placed there atleast I have 123 Thanks so should I not be placed there ?

Ok, if you feel that I complained about Advocate Prabhakar that is the reason I am not being placed then Sireeeeeeeeeee don't put words in my mouth but hoping it to be a genuine open for all members as request for "contest for Ipod" I request you to place me somewhere there........


Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     28 September 2010

Originally posted by :Arup


To second replier

Why are you surprised, Sir, you didn’t show surprise when Ashutosh Jaiswal last month without posting a single Law Point post got Ipod as exlained to me by dabang lady above, so at least this month, till this date 28th. Sept. and further till this time 1151 PM I have got 145 Thank You's and I am no where placed in the first screen shot which is not surprising for me but a matter of "Request letter" as in first opening thread I wrote to Admin. 


Since :
12 September 2010

Total Points: 401
Thanked: 145 times
Profile Visits: 304


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