We have a tenant (non-residetial purpose) from the year 1974 in respeact of area 5110 sft In kolkata, West Bengal. The rent at inception was Re 1/- per sft i.e.the monthly rental was Rs. 5110/- In 1991 we mutually decided to increase the total rent to Rs. 11,000/- by incorporating additional Rs. 5890/- as service charges. Since then the tenant has been paying us Rs. 11,000/-. per month. The West Bengal Premises Tenancy Act 1997 (ammended 2002) set an outer limit of Rs. 10,000/- for rent for including a tenant under West Bengal Premises Tenancy Act 1997. My clarifications are as follows:
1. Under which of the abovementioned two Acts does the tenant come under.
2. Assuming the tenant comes under Transfer of property Act:
i) can we make him liable to pay fair rental. Market rentals have become as high as 100/- per sft in the area. What is the legal procedure for getting the order of fair rent revision under TP Act.
ii) Can we file an ejectment suit under TP Act against the tenant by giving him 15 days notice without giving any reasonable grounds