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ronnie (network engineer)     02 January 2011

Want to register FIR against Politician

Hi forum pls help me

Politician called hitesh and his gang( 5 people) entered to my home and attacked me with punches and kicks and slaps. they dragged me outside of my home and then took me nearby place which is ownled by politician. they did this in front of many people.

I sent email to concerned police station. But yet offical FIR  not registered at police station.

1) i want to registered FIR against politician and

2)I doubt that police will not apply reqire charges I mean ipc which are more severe. Instead police will apply ipc charges which are vulnarable or weak to take action against politician. please guide me which IPC Charges legally appply to such kind of attack


 14 Replies

Kiran Kumar (Lawyer)     02 January 2011

if you apprehend that the police will not help you then file a criminal complaint before the Judicial help of some local lawyer.

1 Like

ronnie (network engineer)     02 January 2011

Thank you kiran sir for concerned about my problem. Actually incident happen 1 year back. BUt at that time hitesh was a pramukh of dabhoi nagar palika so at that time I decided not to registed complaint as I was sure nothing will happen to hime.  At present he is just a member of nagar palika. so Now I sent email to dabhoi police station for that attack. But they are not properly supporting me. Like police are trying to settle down the problem instead of registering complaint and I am also little scared that they will trap me some police case if i challage police.

what should i do I want to register FIR so that i can take some action against politicain


First decide what to do ?

You said ,"police are trying to settle down the problem instead of registering complaint and I am also little scared that they will trap me some police case if i challage police."

If you register FIR then it take a long time to get remedy better follow the advise that is given by Kiren sir.

First file fir , then the police will not help you then file a criminal complaint before the Judicial Magistrate.

Or put this matter close.You have to take a decision.what to do.


1 Like


You said,"Actually incident happen 1 year back. BUt at that time hitesh was a pramukh of dabhoi nagar palika so at that time I decided not to registed complaint as I was sure nothing will happen to hime.  At present he is just a member of nagar palika. "

so the current position is weak so try to attack but after 1 year what is the effect if you file a case after 1 year , delay?

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ronnie (network engineer)     02 January 2011

Thank you kushan sir. But at present police is not registering FIR.  I consider Judicial Magistrate will be the last option. But how do i pressurise police to register FIR. i can ask for legal action against politician only after the FIR registered at police station.


thanking you in anticipation

Raj Kumar Makkad (Adv P & H High Court Chandigarh)     02 January 2011

I fully concur with the views of vyas. You have already delayed the matter and now only court can send the matter to the concerned police station under section 156 (3) Cr. P.C. if you convince the court that there is sufficient material to tak cognizance of the matter under complaint.

1 Like

N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     03 January 2011

Looking at the present scenario even if you file the case in time you will net get any Justice, after all MLA is the leader of the people and all those responsible law enforcing authority will simply salute the MLA  with your complaint in their hand and nothing will be done against the MLA. You might have seen hindi film where the hero used to bash up the MLAs and Ministers etc, but in reality it can never happened. Just forget it.

Amit (manager)     03 January 2011

Dear All,

I would like to file a complaint against the CISF personnel as was thrashed at the Metro Station Badly, for filing the written Complaint against the CISF jawans,  being looted of my personal belongings & was threatened to shoot if I retaliate in any form. also kept in a closed room for 1 Hour, the Medical Report & Complaint is filed with Police but police is not registering FIR, Please Advise as i was not able to give my MBA Exam on the Same Day, I was badly Beaten by the CISF Jawans  and their Commandant. I would like to ask about ur legal views on the Out come on the would be Case???

Being Human (LLB)     03 January 2011

N.K.Assumi, how can u so -ve . after all u r an advocate. u should try ur best to give remedy. consider the great dr. baba saheb ambedkar.


Santosh Reddy

Mr Assumi is not negative rather he has presented the true picture. Even if you are having good material it is the attitute of police and judcial officer how he consider it.

Rather I will advise the Ronnie why wasting time in litigations.

Just forget it and enjoy the life. Time is great healer.

During biasness of police officers or judicial officers the advocates are also helpless.

So enjoy life dear friend Ronnie since I have pledged As New Year Resolution that I will never indulge myself in litigation and i will try to settle the things out of litigation.

Mr Bechara..................................

ghansham das (self employed engineer)     03 January 2011

Can a Dishonoured cheque be permitted to be deposited in Trial-Court with out order?

 can be kept in Compensation account?



can the "process of issueance of order " be challanged by Accused in volved?

Can 482 Sec is applicable by Hi Cort when Sesssion court had rejected Appln.?

Will some expertise note with apex court Judgement be cited please? its urgent?


as there is no provison in CRPC TO DEPOSIT ?


@ Ghansam Das - Can you use a smaller font to ask your question. and btw, what happened to the first question? Can the asker cite unwillingness ofthe police to file a complaint as reason for delay in approaching the court?


Courts and cops can be moved only if all existing remedies have been exhausted in Non Cognizable offences. Complain to the speaker. Then CM,PM etc. If nothing happens ,then file a complaint case before an empowered judicial magistrate. Still if nothing happens, Move the Concerned High Court. If still nothing happens there[Which is improbable], then Move A SLP in the supreme court and which SLP will be allowed and the High Court will be directed to decide the case on merits within 3 or 4 months. You need to engage a fearless advocate for this entire process. You will get Justice. If still not then talk to me on 9560359169.

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     26 October 2011

Dear Sir,


Please don't revive old dead threads.





Shonee Kapoor

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