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Roshni B.. (For justice and dignity)     03 January 2011

Which country does she belong to?


26 years on, 'bride' from Pakistan has no country to call her own

Married to an Indian 26 years ago, 50-year-old Asma Begum from Pakistan is today a stateless person and unable to meet her ailing mother in Karachi. Asma had married Nisar Ahmed in 1984 and had been residing in Miranpur town of this district on a long term visa. In 2003, she wanted to visit her family in Pakistan after her father's death, but the Pakistani authorities refused to renew her passport. "I was informed that my Pakistani nationality has been cancelled and I could not meet my relatives," she says. So, she applied for Indian citizenship in 2004. Officials say the application is still pending with the home ministry. "I don't have either Indian or Pakistani passport and am unable to visit my aged mother who is critically ill in Pakistan," says Asma.


 3 Replies

Vishwa (translator)     03 January 2011

Dear Roshni


Thank you for bringing this item to our attention. In fact these matters are decided at the Jaisalmer House wing of the Minsitry of Home Affairs. This place can be rightly described as the Black Hole of Delhi (how many of you have read about the Black Hole of Calcutta?) where cases can hang on indefinitely. There is corruption as well.

Every foreigner who wants to stay in our country is treated as a spy, a seurity threat etc. This attitude has to change, all the more so because Indians have migrated all over the globe.


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N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     03 January 2011

No doiubt that we need precautionary measure in the interest of the security of the state but at the same time  innocent person should not be allowed to suffer due tro supine slackness of the authority.


The story remember me a love story that is veer zaara. but  i haven’t watch this movie 


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