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Baba RamDev and Indian Politics


Baba RamDev and Indian Politics

 It seems that famous yog guru Baba Ramdev is all set to come into indian politics.He is continuously giving interviews to all the TV channels and these interviews are creating great impact on indian citizens that Yog guru baba ramdev will join the indian politics.

He has clearly said that politics has become a big business and now its time for a change.

Well, I support Baba RamDev. We always talk about Indian Politics and discuss it with everyone.In whatever govt. office you go they ask money even for the smallest work to do. When you ask them to lower the bribe amount then the famous answer is “Hum kya karain, uupar bhi dena hota hai”.

Actually this whole system is corrupted and there is no one who can control this system.I am not sure whether Baba RamDev will be able to change the whole system but atleast he will choose some educated person who will be capable to run the system more efficiently.

Politics is a very big responsibility. Look around our politicians. I mean how many of them are sensible, educated and capable to handle the situations.These politicians are more interested in wearing “Rupees ki mala” and making statues by spending crores and crores. A stupid statement was made by one of the BSP representative that from now onwards Behenji will only wear “Rupees ki mala”.

We all welcome if baba ramdev come into politics.What do you think?



 10 Replies

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     29 January 2011

i personaly will welcome him in politics.

i hereby welcome all indian citizens in politics.

political conciousness is good and welcome.

1 Like



Yes ofcourse we welcome Baba Ramdeo to come in active politics and we will also work with him for making our THE NATIONAL SOCIETY OF SECULAR DEMOCRATIC UNION OF INDIA (NSSD-UOI).


People, who creates loud sound with this dialog; "THE POLITICS IS FULL OF CORRUPT", why they are not coming out and working in active politics?  If good people will not come out together in active politics with full dedication for our secular democratic constitution, there will be no way.


I request everyone to please join the task in my Blog;

adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate)     30 January 2011

Indian Politics ? can it be changed?  It has reached itz maximum limit.  It can not be corrected by anyone, if anybody comes with a dream that " I will Change the Indian Politics"  but unfortunately they will change to indian politics, because indian politicians since Nehur's time till today indian politics is for self devlopment.

I do wel come Ramdev Baba to the Indian Politics, but the politicians who actively involved for their livlihood and for their self and family developments wont sit tieing their hands.

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     30 January 2011

indian politics is for self devlopment "



Dipankar Adhya (Chief Executive)     30 January 2011

I fully endorse the view of peoples taking keen interest in politics. It is only then best leader could be elected from among better and evils could be rejected.At this juncture nothing could be better for the fate of Indians' than Baba Ramdev's taking lead role in Politics.

Madan Mohan Pandey (District and High court advocate)     05 June 2011

Dear friends!!!
The present congress govt has acted has as British rulers who had brutally acted with satyagrahis kie gandhi ji and now if we see a chance to overcome and a satyagrahi stands .He is cheated by the ministers.What paly is cogress playing with its own people..What has been done yesterday night at Ramlila Maidan with Ramdev and supporters is strong indication that in the name of peace and order in national capital Delhi, the Sataygrahis were brutally beated and Ramdev was beaten and arrested. This could be done easily in Delhi as Delhi is ruled by congress govt.
There has been no mistake by police and administration as they clearly say that this was a political order and they just obeyed tis order of congress govt.
Is this the congress govt who acted actively in Satyagrah and now in the name of peace and order beating men, women and person like ramdev who stood for a good cause. Even the arrest was made in the night on Saturday as the next day was Sunday and that no court Suo-Motto action could be taken by ay court.
We are ruled by most corrupt govt now and we have to believe this.
But the war continues and we will not become back as when Shakti grows there is protest agaist it. They are fighting for truth and we should help them. If we think that he alone can overcome this corruption problem, this is not possible and if id not support at this time we will be the victims in coming future. Get together with Satyagrah
Madan Mohan Pandey
Advocate,Delhi High Court



@Madan Mohan

You ,Rightly said......Yes, Govt. is very smart to stop these type of activities which having good cause,the person who stand for good cause and

 the arrest was made in the night on Saturday as the next day was Sunday and that no court Suo-Motto action could be taken by ay court.

DEFENSE ADVOCATE.-firmaction@g (POWER OF DEFENSE IS IMMENSE )     05 June 2011

Rightly done to stop further non sense.

Baba ramdev is a man of action, I respect that and would vote him


Yes, i agree with uma.

He has done everything just for good cause for the common people .

But you from now knew that How indian politices is in india.Baba ramdev dont know back to basic (basic funda)about the politics , but his intention is for good cause .

Todays Baba's position i remember this:


"Arguing with the corrupt india  is like wrestling with a pig in mud,

after sometime u realize that u r getting dirty and the pig enjoying."

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