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Manoj M G (Customer support)     09 February 2011

Legal advice for Full and final settelement

Am Manoj from trivandrum ,iwas working in private ltd company in trivandrum,i given  my resignation on july 2010 with one month notice period, but stillmy settlement is not done? i got a letter from office that i have to pay 23000 rs for settelement and that is traing charges ,actually the company is compelled for  the training not intened my me .And for my mail they are not responding

Can any one help me in this issue?

What i have to do ?

is it necessary to make the payment for my settlement ?

 4 Replies

Vinod Phulchand Pawar (Lawyer/Advocate)     10 February 2011

It is not necessary to make any payment to your ex-employer by you for your full and final settlement.  You have to  issue a legal notice to your ex-employer for your full and final settlement through any Labour Law Practictioner.

1 Like

Manoj M G (Customer support)     10 February 2011


         for that i have to contact labour commisioner or any lawyer ? while the traing they have taken my signature on a photocopy stating after one year if you are leaving pay half,after 2 years no payment,before oneyear full payment is to be maid 

is that document having any legal validity ?


Anil kumar (Payroll accountant)     05 March 2011


My name is Anil from Bangalore, i have taken a site in remote urban area of bangalore and they say still the registration for the same is not started.

I have paid the full amount for the site and got a GPA for the same but my concern is that GPA does not show any value for the site and mother deed of the site ( From where the ownership has passsed ).

So i am really worried what is the next step needs to be taken from my end to ensure i am safe.

Thanks in advance for your support and awaiting for your valuable feed back on this.



Anil kumar T.M


Susanta Chakraborty ( )     08 March 2011


Adding to above, I want to know that if a manager of a company is being removed on a probetional period by intimating on tele what the legal rights could save him loosing money as one month notice period (as per rule) not given and company didn't pay his last 3 months salary.

One more question, is email authentic as per IT law. Is the attachment valid to safeguard him.


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