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Mohammed Sajid Khan (Advocate)     21 February 2011

Remembering Section no. etc...

How helpful / necessary is to remember Section no/ Sub Sec. No./Clause no. etc. for Law fraternity? Rather than having thorough knowledge or that particular Act or both are equally important?  

 7 Replies

Suchitra. S (Advocate)     21 February 2011

Remembering certain sections in an Act is important while practicing advocacy. But it is humanly impossible to remember each and every section of all the Acts and so, lawyers have to go through bare Acts very often. 

As for as students are concerned, exams are conducted in a way that it can be said as a memory test rather than exams to understand the principles laid down. The evaluator expects mention of relevant sections and case laws for each answer. I think it is indispensible to remember sections to score high in law exams though we tend to forget sections sooner because of short memory. 

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leena (student)     22 February 2011


I'm a Law student. I know its very difficult to get through the sections, clauses, etc. I'll tell u how i do it to remember it by heart for a long time. My mother is in a habit of watching news day and night. While staying with her even i get the new updates of the world. and sometimes in news many matters comes in which they put certain respective sections of that offence. and i take up with the bare act book and check it out about the section. in this way i keep the situation in mind and remember the section whenever the similar situation comes. i found it a best way and real illustrations are found to write in exams. I hope i helped u??

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Mohammed Sajid Khan (Advocate)     22 February 2011

Many thanks S.S. I have a mixed feeling now that, at times both are equally important, Sec. No. etc. and their details as well.

Mohammed Sajid Khan (Advocate)     22 February 2011

Many thanks L...I agree but mostly you will come to know about some acts of IPC....

Suchitra. S (Advocate)     22 February 2011

I had the habit of writing down sections which all are covered  in the exam in the order of their appearance in the Bare Act on a big drawing sheet and fix it on the wall where I sit or move around frequently at home. I kept on observing as andwhen I move around. Spending 1-2 minutes on that list helps. This method was of great help in remembering sections to a large extent. 

As I am a student of Psychology, I know visual presentations fix in the memory than audio or any other method of study.  :)

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leena (student)     22 February 2011

Suchitra Ma'am thats a better option to memorise things. once my tution teacher asked me to do this for maths formulas when i was in tenth. and it really worked.

Mohammed Sajid Khan (Advocate)     22 February 2011

Thanks for all comments. Hoping same for any future co-operation....

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