1. The Nahalchand's Supreme Court order says that Builder cannot sell those parking spaces which are not within the ambit of FSI, eg.. Stilt parking, Open parking, Common spaces, etc.... are all non FSI area and hence cannot be sold, to anybody including ANY & ALL Coop Housing Socities in Maharashtra.
2. Similarly, Stilt Parking, in shopping malls, office complexes, Multiplexes or whatsoever, CANNOT be sold by builders and neither the members may buy such stilt parkings, UNLESS AND UNTIL SUCH STILT PARKING IS "WITHIN" THE AMBIT OF FSI, when the building plans were sanctioned by the civic authorities.
3. However Stilt Parking & other open common areas, may be used to park vehicles, without buying/selling (i.e. without owning them), subject to rules of Civic authorities and permission of the respective Societies or Shopping Malls, Office complexes, Multiplexes or whatever.
4. Tentatively, for violation of such rules, there is a provision of imprisonment and penalty for the builders and by the members, as well.
Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal