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Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     27 February 2011

Things to come to India - any law in pipeline to stop it


LONDON (Reuters Life!) - A specialist ice cream parlour plans to serve up breast milk ice cream and says people should think of it as an organic, free-range treat.

The breast milk concoction, called the "Baby Gaga", will be available from Friday at the Icecreamists restaurant in London's Covent Garden.

Icecreamists founder Matt O'Connor was confident his take on the "miracle of motherhood" and priced at a hefty 14 pounds ($23) a serving will go down a treat with the paying public.

The breast milk was provided by mothers who answered an advertisement on online mothers' forum Mumsnet.

Victoria Hiley, 35, from London was one of 15 women who donated milk to the restaurant after seeing the advert.

Hiley works with women who have problems breast-feeding their babies. She said she believes that if adults realised how tasty breast milk actually is, then new mothers would be more willing to breast-feed their own newborns.

"What could be more natural than fresh, free-range mother's milk in an ice cream? And for me it's a recession beater too -- what's the harm in using my assets for a bit of extra cash," Hiley said in a statement.

"I tried the product for the first time today -- it's very nice, it really melts in the mouth."

The Baby Gaga recipe blends breast milk with Madagascan vanilla pods and lemon zest, which is then churned into ice cream.

O'Connor said the Baby Gaga was just one of a dozen radical new flavours at the shop.

"Some people will hear about it and go, 'yuck' but actually it's pure, organic, free-range and totally natural," he said. "I had a Baby Gaga just this morning and I feel great."

(Reporting by Paul Casciato; Editing by Steve Addison)


Now a take:  
Enterprising youth of India will sooner or later find a new way to make pocket money………

Flip take: In case in English language co-relation is a problem with some readers then glance already in-thing in amachi


A note:
Looking for the summer, Chris Rea………oh lala leo……….... 


 7 Replies


Breast milk is for newborn childs & not for ice-creams.....this is against nature.

Shame on these womens who do not know the impotance of their breast milk.

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No women are seedhai saadhi like cow.


So they sell milk

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zimmerzapper (student)     27 February 2011

must be banned

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Now people will start selling their urine,because some branches of medicine say urine therapy is good.

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Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     27 February 2011

i read that one of the chinese empiorer habituated to drink human milk.

for that purpose ( availibility of human milk ), they kept the human just like cow.


We Indians have stopped being morally upright long back


We have legalised homos*xual relations,accept extra marital/pre-marital affairs in the name of constitutional rights,encourage divorces over petty issues,and so on(A long list..)


So why are we raising a hue and cry over women selling their breast milk,if we don't mind the same woman sharing her body with someone else other than her spouse?


Let's leave our double standards and hypocrisy aside.Now we should welcome this trend in India too kyuki India's identity is related to USA.

1 Like

zimmerzapper (student)     06 April 2011

Originally posted by :Meenal Bahadur
" So why are we raising a hue and cry over women selling their breast milk,if we don't mind the same woman sharing her body with someone else other than her spouse? "


when someone minds people like you and arup talk about a person's right to do whatever they want.

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