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FramedIn498a (Salaried)     27 April 2011

Your suggestions after 498a

Members please shed a light on what are all the possibilities after a wife goes against the husband and falsly alleges a 498a, is it worth bringing her back or are there any other possibilities/enforcement that in future she wont be filing any such harassment cases.. I am in a fix as I love my kid too much who is just too innocent at about 3 years of age.. is there any possibility that i can get my kid back with me... I know for a fact i am being abused for a known reason that i dont want my kids life to be spoiled but why doesn't this question comes in the minds of those females that they are actually ruining many lives and w/o even thinking they take such steps just because law is like that and they have nothing to loose... 


 4 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     27 April 2011

@ Author

S. 498a IPC filed for settling some scores against you and or against your family members and a police person came to a civilian door knocking in the morning followed by arrest of civilians in a family dispute matter is the worst form of legal terrorism a Indian wife can inflict on a Indian husbands’ family. If you and any of your family member faced some and or any of the previous sentences happenings then ask yourself and your family members how was the feeling of that HIT you will get answer to your briefs first question yourself. There is no need to know answer of this que. from a unknown forum replier who is not your family member and there is nothing legal to answer as remedy in your first question which is purely a basic personal choice post S. 498a IPC conviction and or acquittal whatever the post facto scenario emerges at the end of long Court journeys.

2. If you and grandparents really love this kid then put yourself in kid's shoe and think how much child abuse you and your family is doing by not filing for his visitation to begin with and followed by his custody on merits. Guardianship / visitation suit are the most safest suit for re-claiming a childs child rights before the child becomes a fatherless child. 

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FramedIn498a (Salaried)     27 April 2011

Thanks for the Reply Sir.

But what choice/resort am I left with now to rescue the life of my daughter who has nothing to do with all this.. if this revengeous lady trying to show her feminist power by all wrong doings.. (whose family already has such history in form of her mother staying away and never divorcing her husband as we were told but never confirmed) wants to screw my life just because we believed in all their lies (her birthdate was found wrong otherwise we would have never entered this wedlock as we do match the horroscopes and with her actual DOB our horroscopes doesn't match..) and took everything on face value and gave in to all her demands, provided a respectable and luxurious life.. and by abusing the law now if she wants she can screw me for years to come(Thanks to the long due proceedings) , most beautiful time of my life (seeing my kid growing) and later take away my hard earned money (while she brought nothing and pledged that we can't spend in marriage before we committed and we conducted the expense of marriage etc)...

Rohit Shukla (Engineer)     27 April 2011

Hi Dude,

Yes there is no readymade answer to your asked question as I strongly believe its a matter of our personal choice and our ability to stand against all odds. Damage was supposed to happen, happened, You, me or anyone else cannot stop what was meant to happen or was destined to. But yes the hard choice that we make today may emerge as a strong foundation of our future (Being an army man, this is purely my personal views). "THE MORE WE SWEAT IN PEACE,THE LESS WE BLEED IN WAR", its all comes down to the basic question of "CONVENIENCE", if you look for shortcuts, and unending compromise than carry on .... but than leave aside your own identity for the rest of life ... If you choose the other way round, believe me its not so easy but than you have something you have always yearned for.... your own respect, your own faith, a truly independent life with no thought of anybody having used you (thats the best & worthy part). So see take the decision wisely and then religiously stick to it ........ I hope I am succesful in getting my point across. Take care, be happy & never insult yourself by asking "WHY ITS HAPPENING TO ME"

You know Shri Ram Jee even after being MaryadaPurushottam have to leave 14 years of tough life and even beyond, what as his fault? It all destiny .... Happpens man. Take care & Best wishes to you

1 Like

stylistperson (Director)     28 April 2011

You are not only one who framed. Everyone including Supreme court knows that 498a is money making business for Indian woman, Police, Lawyers & Judges from the pocket of the innocent Husband.


There is no short cut except you step ahead for compromise if any possibility. Other than that you have no choice except to fight.


You have to be very peaceful with your mind. Look at my other forum how to fight against 498a. You will get some helpful websites and voulenteers in your city who may guide you well.


I think the 498a is the examination of patience of Husband and wife. Keep more patience, you will win at end.

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