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Gopal chetty Kalangi (Lead)     08 May 2011

GPA Not registered but Partition dead registered

Hi Everyone


I need an advice on the below mentioned situation in buying a property from Vendor

1. Mr A and Mrs B(Wife of Mr c) planned a layout 

2. Due to some reason they got on to a partition dead

3. Mrs B gave a GPA to Mr C(Husband of Mrs B) to execute the partition dead. 

4. GPA is not registered but Notarized properly

5. Mr C Executed the partition with Mr A and got it registered properly

From the above scenario can i go ahead and buy a property from Mr A which belongs to his partition without any documentation from Mrs B?

Will there be any legal liabilities from Mrs B in future on me directly?

What should i do if i want to execute the dead with Mr A and be safe in future?

Can i issue a court notice to Mrs B telling i am buying the property from Mr A , and ask her to respond in a weeks time if she has any objections?


Your advice would be at most appreciated

 5 Replies

adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate)     08 May 2011

when there is regd., partition deed then there is no problem.

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Gopal chetty Kalangi (Lead)     08 May 2011

Thanks a lot sir... 

Can i know if you have practice in Bangalore to validate my property papers. Else is there any other way to contact you to get a final descision on this property..



suresh (Advocate)     09 May 2011

Dear Gopall

On the GPA Mr.C is acted upon and executed registered partition deed to that effect, hence I think there is no problem, before purchasing the property you need to take  legal opinion on the documents.





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J.Balachandran (Self)     12 May 2011

Mr.A and Mrs.B partitioned their property with registered partition deed is legally valid. However, you afraid about partitioned through unregistered GPA. The GPA is properly notarized. It is quiet O.K. You did not send any notice to Mrs.B unnecessarily. If you feel some problem, please you take legal opinion in your lawyer.

J.Balachandran, Advocate, 36-Durga Nagar, Ayyampet-614201, Tamilnadu

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Gopal chetty Kalangi (Lead)     17 May 2011

Thanks everyone for the advice ... I really appreciate your time in responding to my queries.


I have another Query now 

For the same property mentioned above i need to understand this scenario

1. If the person selling the property has some income tax liabilities, then will my property be taken by the incometax dept?


2. How should i prevent this situation from happening in during the registration


3. How do i come to know if the person is having any income tax depts?


Kindly find time from your busy schedule to answer my queries. Your response is at most appreciated.


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