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zimmerzapper (student)     01 June 2011

Can India and Pakistan ever become one?

to all members of lci.


Can India and Pakistan ever become one?




i was seeing this video and realized how similar india and pakistan are. those girls are speaking the same language, and they have the same worries indians have. what exactly keeps india and pakistan seperate? won't being one be better for economically and together it can take on china easily, it will also put and end to kashmir dispute and terrorists attack.


can something like united kingdom be possible for this region?

 24 Replies



During the Bouddhit time theAshoka/s Bharat was upto Afganistaan but when Hinduism entered here they devided it by fundamental communlism as a result muslims demanded Pakistan.


I clearly see that in future Hinduism will not remain here in majority as their ratio in population is becoming down very fast and India will achieve its constitutional secularism so our neighbours will also be attracted to adopt the same and the concept of our National emblem will grow.

R C Nigam (xxxxxxxxx)     01 June 2011

Before touching the main theme, I would like 2 recall that, WHO IGNORE (LESSONS OF) HISTORY, HISTORY IGNORES THEM.


Was Ram a 'communal' Hindu? Was Gandhari-wife of Dhritrashtr-from Gandhar (Kandhar) not from Afghanistan, indicating India, i.e. (that was) Bharat was up to Afghanistan? Was she married to a 'communal' Hindu? Had Hindus ever invaded other countries like Babar etc, burnt the centers of knowledge like Nalanda & Taxila, on the plea that if those centers contained same material as KORAN, it was redundant & if it had something different, it was worthless, and, therefore, under all conditions desrved destruction. Did the VEDAS preach hatred to alien philosophies? Who coined SARVDHARM SAMBHAV AND VASUDHAIV KUTUMBKAM, and literally/religiously lived accordingly? Were Sufies not welcomed in Kashmir or Christians in Kerala?


Who destroyed SOMNATH, RAMJANMBHOOMI, VISHWANATH, KRISHNA temples during by Invaders of a particular religion and why? Who blew up BUDDHA statues in Afghanistan recently? Go through the History of Europe and specially SPAIN to explore the happenings there, as to how the followers of Islam from Arab tried to establish hegmony. Has the Budhist China not usurped and anihilated Tibet-an abode of Budhism?


Go through the History of SIKH Gurus and analyse the reasons of their sacrifices and find out the reason of Islamic invasion of India? There is a continuity from the days of Md Bin Qasim to Md Ali Jinnah to todays (yesterdays) O B Laden, who have been successfully executing their crusade of PAN ISLAMIC AGENDA, otherwise BANGLADESH would not have been cleansed of the poor and innocent Budhists.


We can close our mind and eyes, refuse to read the writing on the wall at the cost of our peril, and allow them to pursue their Pan Islamic Agenda, through invasions, conversions, Talibani activities, Madarsas and Terrorism. They have successfully carried out the propaganda that Terrorism has no religion, with the result that none dares call it as Islamic Terrorism, although they claim to draw inspiration from Islam.




The Pan Islamic tactics is to take advantage of modern social priciples of equality, liberty, human rights, democracy etc, except birth control, multiply number, increase strength and when strong enough to impose their agenda of Islamic Laws as the Talibans (Islamic Students) are doing.


Under these circumstances, there is no question of their becoming one.  No doubt they can be one if all Hindus, including Budhists, Sikhs, Jains etc embrass Islam.


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Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     01 June 2011

what exactly keeps india and pakistan seperate?


---   politics and nothing else.

india, pakisthan and bangladesh are one country but politics made them three countries.

germany (east and west) united. some more examples are there.

hope india, pakisthan and bangladesh will form one nation in future.

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Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     01 June 2011

I clearly see that in future Hinduism will not remain here in majority as their ratio in population is becoming down very fast and India will achieve its constitutional secularism so our neighbours will also be attracted to adopt the same and the concept of our National emblem will grow.


---   it is the theory of rss, to provocate hindus against muslims.

there are huge gap between hindu and muslim population. it is practically impossible to overcome it.


Rocker (n/a)     01 June 2011



The Pan Islamic tactics is to take advantage of modern social priciples of equality, liberty, human rights, democracy etc, except birth control, multiply number, increase strength and when strong enough to impose their agenda of Islamic Laws as the Talibans (Islamic Students) are doing.


Under these circumstances, there is no question of their becoming one.  No doubt they can be one if all Hindus, including Budhists, Sikhs, Jains etc embrass Islam."


The facts mentioned by Mr. RC Nigam are very important. Muslims are multiplying rapidly by using all means, by infiltration from Bangladesh and Pakistan, by not using family planning, luring girls of other religions by doing drama of love etc. As usual baseless ideas of Mr. Ram Samudre have no merit, hence I ignore them. Let ignorant people like Mr. Ram Samudre and other ignorants read

Rocker (n/a)     01 June 2011

In the wake of partition of India in 1947, Dr B R Ambedkar warned the then Congress that “There is no end of appeasement” and the Muslim will not remain content by getting Pakistan. On the contrary, they will keep on raising demand for illegal and unlawful concessions one after another, until they could grab the entire India. That caution of Dr Ambedkar is now coming to be true – Muslims are demanding Kashmir, demanding Assam and demanding West Bengal.


Mr. Ram Samudre(DRF) and others like him who claim to be followers of ideas of Dr. Ambedkar, are you reading the above idea of Dr. Ambedkar? Wake up from your hallucinations.

Rocker (n/a)     01 June 2011

In this context, Rabindranath Tagore, the Nobel Laureate poet and philosopher, once observed, “A very important factor which is making it almost impossible for Hindu-Muslim unity to become an accomplished fact is that the Muslim cannot confine their patriotism to any one country. I had frankly asked the Muslims whether in the event of any Mohammedan power invading India, would they (Muslims) stand side by side with their Hindu neighbors to defend their common land or join the invaders. I was not satisfied with the reply I have obtained from them….. Even such a man as Mr. Mohammed Ali (one of the famous Ali brothers, the leaders of the Khilafat Movement) has declared that under no circumstances is it permissible for any Mohammedan, whatever be his country (of origin), to stand against any Mohammedan”. 

We may cite another example to make the point clear. Pakistan declared its all out war against the independent state of Kashmir on October 22, 1947. Brigadier Rajinder Singh was the then Chief of Kashmiri army. Lt Colonel Narain Sing was the commander of the battalion that was waiting at Mujafarabad. There were nearly 50% Dogra Hindus and 50% Muslims in that battalion. When Narain Singh ordered his battalion to advance and attack the Pakistani army, the Muslim soldiers revolted, killed their commander and joined the Pakistani army. While only 3 days ago, Narain Singh told the King that he considered the Muslims in his force were more trustworthy that the Hindus.

Another fact may also be mentioned in this context. Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, being a staunch secular, appointed many Muslims officers in his army called Azad Hind Fause. When his army was dissolved, those Muslim officers went to Pakistan and joined the Pakistani army. All these incidents confirm the great proverb – “a leopard cannot change its spots”. But the stupid Indian leaders, who don’t know even abc of Islam and Muslim psyche, are fanning the fire that could, one day, torch their homes.


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zimmerzapper (student)     01 June 2011

Originally posted by :Ram Samudre-DRF [NSSD-UOI]
" During the Bouddhit time theAshoka/s Bharat was upto Afganistaan but when Hinduism entered here they devided it by fundamental communlism as a result muslims demanded Pakistan. "


didn't hinduism exist before buddhism

R C Nigam (xxxxxxxxx)     01 June 2011

Some people pretend 2 b sleeping and keep their eyes closed. If u try 2 awake them, shall u b able to do so?


People, without reading Ambedkar, claim 2 b his disciple. He has never condemned Hinduism. Like Dayanand or Vivekanand, he only tried to cleanse the society of the evils that had developed like bushes.


Can u help a person who is happy in his own dreams, like Gandhi & Nehru, who brought doom for not only Bharat but even for truncated India, the illegitimate child-Pakistan (including B'desh) but for the whole world. They readied the nation to succumb to the demand of fanatics for creation of PAKISTAN-mill for churning out ISLAMIC BOMB AND ISLAMIC TERRORISTS: I do not hesitate from calling the duo as father of Pakistan. It is a fact that the croock (British), Muslims and the Hume's Congress committed gang rape of Hindu Nation that gave birth 2 the illegitimate child, which we call pakistan, and which always tries to rape the mother itself.


The knowledge(!) of ancient Indian History of one of the fellow members shows the pitiable condition of our education system, imposed upon us since the times of Lord Macauley. Thanks 2 the deep slumber of the nationalists of India.


This thread has come up on the occasion of a great revolutionary patriot, writer standing as towering light amongst the Indians like S K Verma, R B Bose etc. Wish it incucates true & effective nationalism amongst some of us.

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     01 June 2011

mr nigam,

language is silly.


Zimmerzapper asked,

Can India and Pakistan ever become one?

The answer is NO.

You all know about the behaviour of pakistan.


Chanakya quotes and Srimad-Bhagavatam said:


A serpent who is maintained with milk and bananas simply stores poison in his teeth and awaits the day to bite his master.

If one feeds a serpent milk, the snake will simply increase his venom






SB 4.14.10, Translation and Purport: The sages began to think within themselves: Because he was born from the womb of SunÄ«thÄ, King Vena is by nature very mischievous. Supporting this mischievous king is exactly like maintaining a snake with milk. Now he has become a source of all difficulties.


Saintly persons are generally aloof from social activities and the materialistic way of life. King Vena was supported by the saintly persons just to protect the citizens from the hands of rogues and thieves, but after his ascendance to the throne, he became a source of trouble to the sages. Saintly people are especially interested in performing sacrifices and austerities for the advancement of spiritual life, but Vena, instead of being obliged because of the saints' mercy, turned out to be their enemy because he prohibited them from executing their ordinary duties. A serpent who is maintained with milk and bananas simply stores poison in his teeth and awaits the day to bite his master.


"It would be best to take all these things away; it is improper to feed a snake with milk, since such merciful activities simply increase his venom. The Yadu dynasty is now trying to go against those who have fed them so nicely."

Just like if a snake, if you ask the snake that "I shall give you daily a cup of milk. Do not commit this harmful life, biting unnecessarily others. You come here, take a cup of milk and live peacefully," that he will not be able. By drinking that cup of milk, his poison will increase, and as soon as the poison is increased—it is also another itching sensation—he wants to bite.

Sometimes a snake charmer, they mix milk with banana and give them to eat for their satisfaction. But the result? Result is as soon as he becomes strong by eating, the poison teeth becomes filled with poison.


Lastly,If you keep a snake and if you want to make friendly behavior with him, that, "My dear snake, don't bite any more. I'll give you milk and banana. You eat here and stay here nicely," he'll not... His poison will increase

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     01 June 2011

"didn't hinduism exist before buddhism"


---   it existated.

on that time it was not known as hinduism. many group of religion was there with their own separate  identity. on that time hardcore hindu rituals was followed by various groups. some of them are 'jag - jaygga', 'bali'  'tantra, mantra'  'hard fast (kathor upabas)' 'casteism' etc. on that time rich people oftenly used the personal enjoyment ( bhog spriha) as a factor of worship.


against all these ills and evils, budha stands against of it. he suggested the middle way of worship is the best. not the harder line not the softer line, but the middle way is the best. though the philosophy of budha was highly influenced by the then hinduism, but it opposes the evils of the hindu society. the road of hinduism bifarcated from that time. buddha followed the peoples language 'pali', for his teachings and prayer. his struggle against casteism make him popular. again he established a central leadership by way of buddha ( the  knowledge); sangh (the clubing of religion) and dhamma (which literary known as dharma or the religion of buddha), these help the religion to institutionalise the religion.

how it spreads from present bihar to all over world is subject to history now. we, all known it, more or less.




R C Nigam (xxxxxxxxx)     01 June 2011

Mr Arup, the unemployed!

Thanks for the compliment:

"mr nigam,

language is silly"

Meaning of 'silly' is: STUPID

Thank u once more Mr Arup for.your language, which has left a poor taste. The language having words like "Gang Rape" or "Trying to Rape the mother itself" were used to drive home the sense forcefully, just as the word SEXY is used now and then to denote the attractive & qualitative quality of sth.

Anyway, if my language offended u, I am extremly sorry. However, I can't help.

satya kiran (asdfggh)     02 June 2011

that was an extraordinay simili ..excellent one....a huge round of applause

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