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Dipangkar (Business)     22 June 2011

Cunning Govt. may let ANNA fast till death

The basic idea of the Lokpal Bill is borrowed from the office of the ombudsman in other countries.
It provides for filing complaints of corruption against the prime minister , other ministers and members of parliament with the ombudsman.
Anyone, except for a public servant , can file a complaint and the Lokpal has to complete the inquiry within six months.

 Now Corrupted indian Leaders want to change the rules of the original office of the ombudsman as per their requirements, by excluding the PM, MPs & Judiciary out of it. Wah wah! What away to " battle against Corruption"........... :(


I think the Govt. may let ANNA fast till death. They will shed tears, flowers & condolences at his funaral. We Indians will be watching TV news for weeks & will "Shut UP" our mouths after some forthnights....


--------------- That's what it seems to be predictive in India after what we have seen after Baba Ramdev' &  Swami Nigamanand's Annashan Results,  Will it be So............. ?


 21 Replies


kuch pata nahi....we Indians are spineless

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what do u suggest we do about this?

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Dipangkar (Business)     22 June 2011

Originally posted by :Uma
what do u suggest we do about this?

Well, I cannot suggest the whole indian peoples regarding this or any movement, but we all, whoever are involved, can voice & protest and demand that "NO ONE WITH ANY EXCUSE SHOULD BE EXCLUDED FROM THE LOKPAL BILL EXCEPT THE PRESIDENT OF INDIA"




Actually, only a few Indians  (keeping  in mind the total populations of India) are conscious about what is a Lokpal bill & it's movements. I am afraid Anna may DiE  due to his fasting, but this consiousness MAY NEVER RISE UP like a "Revolution" through out India.


Only time will tell. 

Dipangkar (Business)     22 June 2011

Sometime silently I feel that, I may admire the blah blah views of "DEMOCRATIC INDIAN" ----------- > Article 19 (a) & article 21(a) of the IC, RPBA, The Rights to Bear Arms........ (or whatever it was) LOL.
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Yes, LOL. Oye Sonia ki bachhi! Ye bandook dekhi hai? Asli hai! Abhi lokpal bill pe sab minister log ka sign leke aa...warna...BAM BAM BAM!!!

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Secretly we all want it...that's why when terrorists stormed into parliament, the news channels replayed it over and over and everybody was enjoying it

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Check out this video...

Dipangkar (Business)     22 June 2011

Originally posted by :Uma
" Anna has studied laws of other countries carefully to identify what we need in Indian context. even RTI Act has been a success for that reason


Uma, I quote this from another thread to backup what i said.....


The RTI Act has been a success, but the consiousness of the RTI act is still NOT been inputted inside every Indian's head till now (many doesn't seems to even care).  



For example, A guy i know need a copy of the valuation of lands in his town from a Sub Divisional Office, which was fowarded from the Deputy Comm  office.


The SDC refused to give him a copy of it, by saying "we don't have such rules"



That boy was adviced for a RTI. But he didn't go foward for it because, smart peoples adviced him NOT to, else the Sub Divisional Officer may Get angry upon him, and may do "garbar" on future helps required by him.

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You are right, first we need to get rid of our servile mentality. We are typically non-confrontational, don't want to fight about anything and just too scared. The RTI movement is largely focused on middle class or white collar workers. The poor should be at the forefront of this movement but they are not aware of their most basic rights.
No healthcare, no education, they have nothing to fall back on. They have nothing to fight for, no concept of human rights. We are all partly to blame that instead of teaching them about their rights, we are on LCI "preaching to converted", repeating our views to those who already know and agree.

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(sorry for typo) The anti-corruption movement is largely focused on middle class or white collar workers.


When anna was fasting in April, I was wearing a sign about Jan Lokpal and standing outside a vegetable stall. A woman who was selling vegetables asked me what it was about. I told her some facts about malnutrition in Indian kids, education level etc and how it is linked with corruption. She immediately understood the significance of the movement. She even asked what they should do. But I never followed up with her. I felt guilty afterwards, through her I could have spoken to their community. 

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Dipangkar (Business)     22 June 2011

Originally posted by :Uma
You are right, first we need to get rid of our servile mentality. We are typically non-confrontational, don't want to fight about anything and just too scared. The RTI movement is largely focused on middle class or white collar workers. The poor should be at the forefront of this movement but they are not aware of their most basic rights.
No healthcare, no education, they have nothing to fall back on. They have nothing to fight for, no concept of human rights. We are all partly to blame that instead of teaching them about their rights, we are on LCI "preaching to converted", repeating our views to those who already know and agree.





We Indians are Crippled since British raj.

Even if we Bear Arms, like "Democratic Indian" use to say... I don't think majorities of Indians may shoot.




It must be a modern unconciously developed human nature, to seek Peaceful solutions for everything.... even in countries like America where they Does have the so discussed "Democratic Indian's" RPBA.


Quoating some text from a BANNED AMERICAN BOOK by PALADIN PRESS known as "HITMAN"......

"Some men could not kill under any circumstances. Other could kill only in self-defense or to protect what they hold dear. One man learns to kill in times of war and spends the rest of his lie trying to forget the horror, while his brother may consider all his wartime efforts a justifiable part of his past having no effect on his present."



So it's clear that even in America the same problem persist even if they have their "the Rights to bear Arms".


It's the STRAIGHT FOWARD COURAGE that's required for a battle...... may it be With GUNS or with a LOKPAL BILL.




It's the STRAIGHT FOWARD COURAGE that's required for a battle...... may it be With GUNS or with a LOKPAL BILL.


You are right. It takes courage and persistence. We cannot change others but as they say..."Be the change you want to see in the world" Set an example with your own actions. Recently, a government office completely ignored my RTI application and first appeal and when it came time to file my second appeal, I felt sorry for the lazy officers!! (So you are right when you say "I don't think majorities of Indians may shoot." I wondered if my reply was worth this official's salary....but I convinced myself that they deserve to be punished.) In a way, although I have courage I didn't want to cause harm to the public information officer.
BUT the corrupt they stop to think how much harm they cause us? NEVER

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If you think of something that I can do, let me know.   I know that change doesn't happen automatically, without follow-up everything will be lost.

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