"She have only checques and DD's given to them, but no bank debit proof as do not have bank pass book of so long back records." ............ How old were thoese cheques? .............. even old bank records are obtainable but one needs to obtain at least the source bank and find the trail/trace of those transactions.
Wife has to do all that efforts personally.
In that case if she will not attend then she will get exparty divorce...................... LOSS??
If you start counting on those fronts the list may go endless...it may turnout as a multifold loss.
Its like asking what would be extent of loss for giving a blank cheque duely signed!!!
ex-party means that party defied the summons to be present and the chance given to her to present her side she hasn't taken.... so court replies whatever other party has stated on oath and that affidavit treated as a means to ascertain the veracity of other party's contentoins and statements e.g. wife used to insult me beat me and used to keep me starving and ....any type of allegation"
So if wife wants to challenge it in future in HC... her plea won't stand there.
Ex-party means other party which is remaining absent ..... has nothing to say against the allegations even after given many chances to be present and submit their response/admission/denial/version of facts etc.
Will the court advice about the child in favour of husband.? Till now she is with her mother and father never took any responsibility. Will the court advice about the child in favour of husband.? Till now she is with her mother and father never took any responsibility.
At least for the sake of child she has to safeguard the interests and rights of the child and this litigation is he right opportunity... if it is to be done then anyways the wife has to go to court and ndergo the whole process ...then why not now? ... anyways she doesn't have to go through the whole process of process of summons to respondent party ... her husband may have already gone through it and he may play the same tactics if wife files any suit under HAMA etc for the sake of child etc.............
Ex-party is the worst thing that can happen ....even worst than truama of prolonged divirce litigation ............
One can find many excuses to take more time not to attend the court on each and every date... but avoiding to attendn even once it like suicidal and it only creates problems....
Husband may say he has given a huge cache of money to wife for the sake of child and get away in other party's absence..
"She do not want any legal rights from there so do not attending." there can't be any silly answer than this ...frankly. It's not a child's play... Nobody can help such people n that case!!!
Can she guarantee that she may not require it in future? ..............
Let's say govt makes a law that spouse is entited for 50% share in property... its already working on those lines..... if wife takes the blame and concedes the ex-party lollypop of divorce ... is she able to visualise and comprehend the drawbacks of ex-party divorce
Only those party's concede ex-party who haven't got anything to lose are least bothered of the after math...or are sure that they are going lose the case anyways or have btter plans and are reasy to compensate or have bargained out of court and which s evident from the petition also incidently.
there is nothing as worst as ex-party....