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Ms Liberal (others)     17 July 2011

Transferring their assests for not giving maiantanace

It has sen that when ever the court awrds the maintanace to the wifes and children.Husband refused to pay the alimony not only their wifes but also their children too. Thy have their contentions that the wife is earning and they are job less and nothing to pay. Whether such act of the husbands are morally and legally correct. Section 24 of the HMA provides the right to woman for claiming maintance which the men either refused to pay and provides only less maintanace . Is nothe Obligation of the husbad to pay her wife sufficent money to live with decency and evertime the wife has to knock the door for enhancement of maintanace

Orices are very escalating even the maianatance amounbt as I have heard is only 1500 as per Crpc 125. It also needs to be icresed

The gOvt function to create the family courts also solve the riddle of desrted/divorced woman to some extent but some husbands are trasferring their self acquired property to their father, moms , brothers so that nothing shall have to be paid. Even they are also reliquishing the rights from the inheritical property


 10 Replies

pratik (self working)     17 July 2011

good point for discussion.

Ravinder Kumar (Account Director)     17 July 2011

@Owner: My point here is that, The objective of mainteance is to make sure that wife does not suffer or is not able to maintain herself because her husband left her, but as it is known fact that most of the cases in courts now a days is only to harrass the husband and his family, so court also doesnot want husband to suffer financially by awarding heavy maintenance. Now the Hon. Judge sitting there easily find out in first hearing itself which case is genuine and which is not..I have seen cases where Rs. 10k to 20k is also awrded by the Judge..and also know cases where husband did not pay maintenance to wife for 1 year n court gave order to seal his property.

I fully support the law but equally condemn the way many people are using it only to harass the other party and satisfy their ego..

Dipangkar (Business)     17 July 2011

@ Ms Liberal,



     Women Demands to be considered as Equal & Liberal.

      Women even DEPENDS on their EX-husbands for maintainance money to survive, EVEN after Seperation / Divoces..

The above two common DEMANDS by Women just does not fits, they contradicts each other. ;) 

1 Like

Ms Liberal (others)     17 July 2011

Equal menas in terms of dignity and mainatanance for their survival of herself and her child if she is not earning or eraning less and inequal in terms of mainataining the same dignity and respect prior to their separation

Dipangkar (Business)     17 July 2011

It's often seen that, the Demand of being Equal & Liberal is NOT only demanded by Married Women. Even many Unmarried women shouts here n there seeking this Demand in the society. 

They themselves should learn to believe & to understand, that actually, they too are more than EQUAL in this modern society. 


As for their so called Liberty demands, I don't understand that actually What is it that they wants ? OK, Let them have it, whatever it may be........... 

After Divorce, Women DOES become Liberate from Husbands. They does obtains their cent per cent freedoms from their males. But then again, why should those Liberate beings be so cheaply bow-downed toward their ex-Males..... to again demand for maintainences even from EX-Husbands ?


Doesn't a Male deserves to be Liberate as well ? Or is it a preseted Programme of those Liberty demanding Females, to always try to keep their Males as captives ?



All husbands are NOT cruel toward their wives. Does the Ratio of Divorces oversteps the Ratio of Peaceful marriege Couple in this country ? There are much more couples who are living with a peaceful happy married life than Couples who are seeking Divorces.



So what does it reflects ? 

1 Like

crpc125_victim (Unemployed)     17 July 2011

In this age of equality why should men support women?

One avatar of woman says"...oh male master sir...i am dependent on you..please provide money to me. You slog and I will relax at home...just gimme the money and I will suck your bolld as a leach all my life..."


The other avatar says -- "I am chandi and I am gonna destroy your life and your parent's and your brother's and your sister's...I am gonna throw them all in jail...and yes I expect you to give me money for destroying your lives"


Fact of the matter is Women in India want it both ways..left and right and center and top and bottom...


I say. To Hell with that. This is age of equality. Wnat equal rights? (in fact women have more rights than man) then be prepared for equal rights. Why should men be expected to support women if they deman equal or more rights?


1 Like

Ms Liberal (others)     17 July 2011

yes very true as there is equality among them. They should not but mainatance word in HMA have been added with some consideration as all women are not living in metros and earning more than male counterparts. IF She has more income then I do agree that she should ask for maintanace but when she is unemployed and has been exiled from the home then...?

Dipangkar (Business)     18 July 2011

Originally posted by : Ms Liberal
yes very true as there is equality among them. They should not but mainatance word in HMA have been added with some consideration as all women are not living in metros and earning more than male counterparts. IF She has more income then I do agree that she should ask for maintanace but when she is unemployed and has been exiled from the home then...?

A view, not by observing what's in the current law...... >


After a Divorce everything should be finished between the two, no matter who suffers in what way. That will be Equality. If one cannot swim, then why jump in the water to reach the other shore ?


Does India goes on Paying moneys to maintain the fall of Economy in Pakistan ? Or does Pakistanis keeps demanding for the same from India ?

Ms Liberal (others)     18 July 2011

yes after divorce there will be no libaility on eachother except said in the agreed condition which was ratified by the court

Dipangkar (Business)     18 July 2011

That "agreed condition which was ratified by the court" mostly is a condition where the Husband will have to go on paying for maintenances of his Divorced ex-wife for lifetime. That's where the Court & the Laws is Wrong...........

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